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Governor Whitmer on Signing of Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan to Build Roads, Bridges, Pipes, Electric Vehicle Chargers, and High-Speed Internet Infrastructure

Header 2021

Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will create thousands of good-paying jobs, invest in every community, and drive down costs for families 

LANSING, Mich. – Governor Gretchen Whitmer released the following statement after passage of the historic bipartisan infrastructure plan, which will create millions of good-paying jobs, build up our roads and bridges, ensure small businesses can safely transport goods, expand the state’s electric vehicle charging infrastructure, replace aging water infrastructure, including replacing lead service lines, and expand high-speed internet access across the nation.

“The signing of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will lead to the biggest infrastructure investment in American history, create millions of good-paying, blue-collar jobs while helping us fix even more roads and bridges, expand high-speed internet, replace lead service lines, and build electric vehicle chargers across Michigan,” said Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “I cannot wait to put the billions of dollars that we will get under this plan to work in Michigan as we stay laser-focused on putting Michiganders first, growing our economy, creating jobs, and driving down costs. The investments that we will be able to make with this plan will help keep drivers safe on the road, and ensure our roads get fixed using the right mix and materials so they stay fixed. It will make a huge difference in people’s lives and invest in every community across Michigan. I look forward to working with anyone as we start moving dirt and building on the work that we have already done on Michigan roads, bridges, pipes, high-speed internet, and electric vehicle chargers.”   

IIJA Background  

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan, formally known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), will send billions of dollars to Michigan to help Governor Whitmer continue fixing the damn roads, bridges, and water infrastructure, replace lead service lines, expand the state’s electric vehicle charging network, deliver high-speed internet to more families and businesses, and so much more.   


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