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Gov. Whitmer’s Plan to Lower the Cost of Insulin

Header 2021

Governor backs Attorney General Nessel’s efforts to hold drug companies accountable, will  work with bipartisan legislators to lower costs  

REDFORD, Mich. – Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer proposed actions to lower the cost of insulin in her State of the State address. Attorney General Dana Nessel is in court seeking to launch an investigation into one of the three largest manufacturers of insulin in the U.S. and in the legislature, there are bipartisan bills awaiting action that would, among other things, cap the cost of insulin at $50 a month. 

“Nearly a million Michiganders need insulin to survive and for too long, drug companies have been skyrocketing prices,” said Governor Whitmer. “I support Attorney General Nessel’s efforts to use the Michigan Consumer Protection Act to put Michiganders first by investigating the role drug companies play in raising prices. I also look forward to working with legislature to cap the cost of insulin. Too many Michiganders are forced to ration insulin or forgo it, putting their lives at risk. Some families spend thousands of dollars a year on insulin and prices keep going up-they’ve tripled from 2009 to 2019. Together, we can lower the cost of insulin, hold drug companies accountable, and save lives.”  

“The average out-of-pocket cost of a single vial of insulin is nearing $100,” AG Nessel said. “No Michigander should have to face that kind of cost for life-saving medicine. While drug companies profit off of people’s health, they also benefit from a current market in which they control the pricing. Enough is enough. Our Consumer Protection Team, through our Corporate Oversight Division, is ready to devote its full resources to ensure that the proper entities are on the hook for these egregious prices, but we cannot fully protect consumers with one hand tied behind our backs. That is why this action will also pursue reconsideration of the rulings in Smith and Liss.”    

“The cost of insulin is simply too high for far too many Michiganders,” said Gloria Padilla-Carlson, a retired Physician’s Assistant in Kalamazoo County. “Folks are too often forced to forgo insulin or ration it, which is detrimental to their health and can put their lives at risk. I am glad that Governor Whitmer, Attorney General Nessel, and our legislature understand this is a major issue facing nearly 1 million Michiganders. I want them to get something done together.”  

“No family should have to choose between putting food on the table and buying the medicine your child needs to live,” said Fawn Morris from Lenox, MI. “As the mom of an 11-year-old son with Type 1 Diabetes, I stay awake at night worried about how our family will afford his insulin and medical supplies into the future. I am so thankful that Governor Whitmer is putting families like mine first by working to cap the cost of insulin.”  

The Plan 

Attorney General Dana Nessel launched an investigation into one of the three largest drug companies that manufactures nearly all the insulin in the United States. The Attorney General is seeking to use the Michigan Consumer Protection Act to investigate the role drug companies play in raising prices. Meanwhile, in the Michigan Legislature, Representatives Cambensy and Kahle led a bipartisan effort to cap the cost of insulin at $50 a month.   

Lowering the cost of insulin will save lives and help Michiganders pay the bills, put food on the table, or save for the future. Governor Whitmer will work with the legislature and the Attorney General to hold drug companies accountable, lower the cost of insulin, and save lives.   



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