LANSING, Mich. — Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer proclaimed November 11‚ÄØas‚ÄØVeterans Day in Michigan, honoring the‚ÄØmore than 516,000 veterans in our state and‚ÄØall those who served before them.
“On Veterans Day, we celebrate the Michiganders who served our state and nation in uniform and honor those who gave their lives to protect our freedoms,” said Governor Whitmer. “In Michigan, let‚Äôs work together to ensure the more than 530,000 veterans and their families who call our great state home have the support they need to thrive. Let‚Äôs keep working together so they can get good-paying jobs, affordable housing, quality health care, and quality education or skills training. Michigan will always fight for those who fought for us.”
‚ÄúOn Veteran‚Äôs Day, we honor the courage of the few who chose to serve, dedicating themselves to a calling that demands sacrifice,” said U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul D. Rogers, adjutant general and director of the Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. “It is through their unwavering commitment that we enjoy the freedoms we hold dear. May we always remember and respect those who stood willing to defend our nation.‚Äù
While there are many ways to celebrate Veterans Day, including flying the U.S. flag, volunteering at a local‚ÄØveterans‚ÄØhome or simply thanking a veteran for his or her service, the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA) encourages veterans to‚ÄØinvestigate‚ÄØtheir earned benefits by calling 1-800-MICH-VET.
“Michigan is home to more than 516,000 veterans and their families,” said Brian L. Love, director of the MVAA. “Each one brings their unique story of service with them everywhere they go. MVAA is dedicated to making sure that all Michigan’s veterans and their family members are supported and can succeed in the communities they live, work and play in.”
Michigan is committed to making the state the premier choice for military service members, veterans and their families to live, work, serve and play. In support of this effort, the MVAA helps connect veterans with federal, state and local benefits and resources they earned for their service. To learn more about employment, healthcare, education and quality-of-life benefits, veterans can contact the Michigan Veteran Resource Service Center at 1-800-MICH-VET or visit Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency.
For more information on upcoming ceremonies and activities to honor veterans and military families, please visit the MVAA events calendar.
Earlier this month, Governor Whitmer proclaimed November as Veterans and Military Families Month. View the proclamation here. The governor also signed legislation last week creating a “woman veteran” special license plate and expanded the eligibility of the Disabled Veteran registration plate to partially disabled veterans.
Investing in Michigan’s Military Families
Governor Whitmer has made significant investments to grow economic opportunity, access to health care, and more for Michigan’s veterans, service members, and their families.
- Signed legislation lowering costs for families of disabled veterans by eliminating red tape and ensuring spouses can maintain property tax exemptions.
- Expanded the National Guard tuition assistance program to cover spouses and dependents, lowering the cost of higher education for military families.
- Removed barriers for veterans to get commercial driver’s licenses and signed a bill to help service members, veterans, and their dependents enter a licensed profession.
- Launched the statewide outreach and advertising campaign “I Served. I Am a Veteran,” to engage veterans, collect their stories, and connect them to benefits.
- Stood up the National All-Domain Warfighting Center at Camp Grayling and the Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center providing training in land, air, maritime, cyber environments.
View the full proclamation here.