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Genomenon : Your August Genomics Roundup

Genomenon Logo 2020 - stacked tag

The busy fall season is approaching, and with support for both GRCh37 and GRCh38, Mastermind now contains over 9.6 million variants, 8 million full-text articles, and 3+ million supplemental datasets. Mastermind remains your most comprehensive source for genomic evidence – see how Mastermind compares with others for yourself, and sign-up for Mastermind to start searching.

Read on about a new Mastermind integration partner, and a blog where we explore Mastermind’s utility for finding data on gene fusions. Finally, read up on some of the most fascinating breakthroughs in genomics this month.


Nostos Genomics – AION



The Mastermind Genomic Search Engine is now integrated into Nostos Genomics’ AION. Read the latest blog to learn how users can quickly view Mastermind publication search results within the platform – in just a few steps.


Using Mastermind to Explore Gene Fusion Events


In this blog, science writer Garrett Sheets demonstrates how Mastermind Professional Edition uses “Genomic Associations” to provide insight into fusion genes.


Want to explore fusion genes for yourself? Sign up for Mastermind and start searching. You’ll receive a free trial of Professional Edition, where you can take advantage of advanced features like CNVs and filtering by ACMG criteria.


Great things are happening in genomics every day – here are some exciting new developments from August.


Scientists Discover New Gene Involved in Male Fertility


A new gene that controls the completion of meiosis in spermatogenesis has been discovered by researchers from Kumamoto University. Researchers believe that this may lead to an advancement in reproductive medicine, like identifying causes for infertility.


Read the article in Technology News


View the study in Nature

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