LANSING, Mich. -Attorney Scott R. Forbush returns “home” to the Foster Swift Collins & Smith law firm where he worked from 1993-2005 as a trial lawyer.
Scott practices in the Lansing office where, among other activities, he focuses on alternative dispute resolution concentrated primarily in the financial services industry.
At Foster Swift, Scott was an esteemed attorney and based on his success, was recruited to go to Jackson. For the last 15-plus years, Scott has been an Officer and Litigation Counsel for Jackson, one of the leading annuity and insurance providers in the nation.
In that time, he held two parallel positions at Jackson:
- Assistant Vice President: Investigations, Regulatory Enforcement and Litigation and;
- Vice President for National Planning Holdings, a sister company to Jackson where he was Deputy General Counsel for their independent securities broker-dealer network consisting of four firms and over 3200 financial advisors.
- He collaborated with senior management and numerous teams across the network, including compliance, product due diligence, governance, audit and surveillance. Additionally, he consulted on day-to-day developments creating potential risk/exposure and offered strategies for addressing escalated matters sensitive to business operations.
“I wasn’t looking to leave and in all that time away from the firm, I never lost contact with Foster Swift and continued to have fond memories of the people I worked with.” Scott said when asked about returning to the Lansing office.
“I have spent my career in litigation, with the past 15 years devoted to disputes in all areas of the financial services industry. In that effort, I have engaged in hundreds of arbitrations and mediations across the country covering the spectrum of issues and I look forward now to carrying forward my experiences in a dispute resolution practice through Foster Swift.”