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DTMB | Regional Jobless Rates Decline in September


LANSING, Mich. — Not seasonally adjusted unemployment rates fell in 16 of Michigan’s 17 labor market areas between August and September, according to data released today from the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget.

“Michigan jobless rate reductions in September were influenced by a workforce decline in several regions over the month,” said Wayne Rourke, associate director of the Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives. “Payroll employment advanced in September as local schools and colleges re-opened for the fall.”  

Regional unemployment rates displayed a median decrease of 0.4 percentage points. The largest over-the-month jobless rate decline occurred in the Flint metropolitan statistical area (MSA) due to auto-related recalls from a large layoff in August. The Monroe MSA was the only major region with a minor unemployment rate increase in September.

Regional jobless rates decline over year

All 17 Michigan labor market areas exhibited unemployment rate decreases over the past year.

However, September 2021 regional jobless rates were above pre-pandemic September 2019 levels. Sixteen Michigan labor market areas had jobless rate increases since September 2019, with a median advance of 1.3 percentage points.

Regional employment levels recede over month, display mixed trends over year

Total employment declined in 11 major labor market areas in September. Reductions were from 0.1 to 2.6 percent, with a median decrease of 1.1 percent. The Northwest Lower Michigan region had a large monthly seasonal employment reduction, reflecting reduced tourism activity in September. Six metro areas had employment gains in September, led by the Lansing and Ann Arbor MSAs, due primarily to hiring at local colleges and schools for the start of the semester.

Regional labor market areas exhibited mixed employment trends over the year, with eight areas recording employment additions, seven showing employment reductions, and employment in the Midland and Jackson metro areas remaining unchanged since September 2020.

Employment totals in all 17 labor market areas remained below September 2019 levels, with a median decrease of 5.0 percent over the two-year period. The largest drop occurred in the Saginaw metro area.

Workforce levels decrease over month and year

Twelve major labor market areas displayed labor force cuts over the month, with a median reduction of 1.5 percent. The largest over-the-month workforce decline was in the Northwest Lower Michigan region (-2.9 percent).

Over the year, 16 regions exhibited labor force reductions, with a median decrease of 1.9 percent. The largest decline occurred in the Muskegon metro area (-4.3 percent).

Regional nonfarm jobs generally up in September

According to the monthly survey of employers, not seasonally adjusted Michigan payroll jobs advanced by 23,000 over the month, or 0.6 percent, to 4,207,000. Minor reductions in many statewide industries were overshadowed by a 44,000 seasonal job increase in the government sector as hiring began at local schools and universities.

Total nonfarm employment rose in 13 metro areas during September, with a median increase of 1.0 percent. The largest payroll job advances occurred in both the Ann Arbor and Lansing MSAs, with gains in each area of 3.8 percent.

Payroll jobs increased by 107,000, or 2.6 percent, over the year. All 14 metro regions had nonfarm employment advances since September 2020, with a median gain of 2.0 percent.

County jobless rates down over month and year

Over the month 81 Michigan counties recorded jobless rate declines. All 83 counties exhibited unemployment rate reductions over the year.

For more detailed information, including data tables, view the full release.

Note: Data in this release is not seasonally adjusted. As a result, employment and unemployment trends may differ from previously released Michigan seasonally adjusted data.

A breakdown of not seasonally adjusted September workforce estimates for Michigan and its 17 major labor market areas is included in the full release, along with a ranking of county jobless rates for September.

Note to editors: Please ensure that the source for state unemployment rates reads “Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget.”


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