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CRAA | Request for Qualifications


Professional Engineering Services Airport Master Plan Update

Interested Professional Engineering and Planning Consultants are requested to submit experience and qualifications to the Capital Region Airport Authority (CRAA) in regard to providing professional consulting services. The selected engineering /planning consultant will provide planning services for the update of the Capital Region International Airport (CRIA) Master Plan and associated necessary surveys.

The update will take place during CY2022/23, with final completion anticipated in late 2023. Funding will be provided through the Airport Improvement Program (AIP). Engineering and planning services will be in accordance with FAA and Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) guidelines for AIP-funded projects.

Project Background and Description:

The airport sponsor (Capital Region Airport Authority) has a strategic vision and business plan which requires the necessary update of the Capital Region International Airport (CRIA) Master Plan, which was last updated in 2006. The following are the major issues that determine the need for an Airport Master Plan/Airport Layout Plan (ALP) update and are anticipated to be included in the final project scope.

Airport Development Issues:

  • Review compliance with safety and design standards (i.e., airfield geometry, safety areas, etc.)
  • Review need and justification for existing/future Runway 10L-28R
  • Review need and justification for existing/future Runway 6-24
  • Review cargo facility requirements, particularly with respect to UPS’ Michigan Gateway operation
  • Field Maintenance Facility/SRE storage expansion
  • Review ground access and airport circulation
  • Rental car ready/return and service facilities
  • Other development (i.e., non-aeronautical, intermodal transportation, etc.)
  • Utility infrastructure/development
  • Terminal development (new construction vs. rehabilitation of existing). Specific issues with the current terminal include passenger screening and exit lane requirements, baggage screening requirements, replacement of escalators/elevators, replacement of HVAC equipment, utilities infrastructure, CBP/FIS requirements, number and size of hold rooms/gates, and energy efficiency initiatives.

Survey Work:

Conduct Airspace and Obstruction Identification Analysis

Conduct GIS field survey for ALP

Revise ALP Exhibit A in accordance with FAA ARP 3.0

All survey work shall be done in accordance with current FAA Advisory Circulars 150/5300 – 16A, 17C,

and 18B, and ARP SOP 3.00.

Key Master Plan Update Elements:

The Airport Master Plan Update will be done in accordance with applicable FAA Orders, Advisory Circulars, and SOPs. Anticipated key elements to the Capital Region International Airport Master Plan are listed as follows:

Public Involvement Program                                                  Existing Conditions Inventory

Environmental Considerations                                                Aviation Forecasting

Facility Requirements                                                             Alternatives Development and Evaluation

Airport Layout Plans                                                               Facilities Implementation Plan

Financial Feasibility Analysis                                                  Recycling, Reuse, and Waste Reduction Plan


Statements of Qualifications will be evaluated based on the information submitted, including the following criteria at a minimum:

  • Relevant corporate experience
  • Master plan update experience
  • Survey experience
  • Qualifications and experience of key personnel
  • FAA and MDOT experience
  • References

Statements of Qualifications shall be limited to the following:

  • Cover letter (2-page maximum)
  • Organization Chart
  • Resumes of key personnel (3-page limit per person)
  • Summaries of example projects (5 projects; 4-page maximum per project)
  • Breakdown of key personnel and their roles on example projects (2-page maximum)
  • Project Understanding (3-page maximum)
  • Project Approach (7-page maximum)
  • Miscellaneous including FAA/MDOT experience, corporate history, etc. (7-page maximum)

Consultants are encouraged to include MBE/DBE firms in their submittal.

Requests for site visits or interviews will not be honored until after a shortlist of firms has been identified for formal presentations to the selection committee. All requests for information or clarification shall be directed to:

Robert Benstein, A.A.E.

Vice-President & COO

Requests for information shall be submitted in writing by 3:30 PM on Friday, January 14, 2022.

Statements of Qualifications are due by 3:30 PM on Friday, January 28, 2022, and should be submitted to:

            Bonnie Wohlfert

            Capital Region Airport Authority

            4100 Capital City Blvd.

            Lansing, MI 48906


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