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Clinton County Michigan Launches Broadband Survey


St. Johns, Mich. – The Clinton County Board of Commissioners has launched a survey to gauge the broadband internet needs of county residents. The initiative, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act, will guide a funding strategy to address the broadband needs of residents, schools, and businesses.

“The Commissioners are looking forward to hearing from county residents on the important topic of access to quality broadband,” said Kam Washburn, Chair of the Board of Commissioners.
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 emergency, the lack of available and effective broadband internet has limited the ability of County residents to live a more digital lifestyle. Constituents and businesses alike have made clear the need for greater access to broadband speeds that allow users to quickly connect to the internet. The Michigan Broadband Roadmap, published in 2018, noted several economic gains that can be facilitated by investment in broadband access.
  • Farmers with broadband access experience a 6% average increase in farm revenue.
  • Homes with adequate broadband see an estimated $1,850 per year economic benefit.
  • Telemedicine adds an estimated $522,200 to rural communities and reduces hospitalizations.
  • Broadband access can increase home values by an average of 3.1%.
“I strongly encourage residents to participate in this survey,” said County Administrator Craig Longnecker, “This is a historic opportunity to provide input to a policy discussion regarding critical infrastructure for Clinton County.”
Residents will begin receiving calls for a phone-based survey on January 10th. Residents can also respond to an online survey at the following link.

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