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Capital Region International Airport to Hold Emergency Training Exercise on Tuesday, Oct. 26


LANSING, Mich. The Capital Region International Airport (LAN) today will conduct an emergency training exercise. The exercise is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. and will take place on Runway 10L-28R on the north side of the airport. The exercise will include the mobilization and deployment of Tri-County public safety personnel and resources to a simulated aircraft emergency. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires commercial airports to conduct such exercises at least once every three years in order to evaluate emergency response procedures.

d57ed4c9-9240-4505-905d-9cac1ffe5903-Nicole_Noll-Williams“The safety and security of our passengers is our top priority, and this emergency training exercise tests our responsiveness in the event of a similar incident or accident and gives our employees the opportunity to sharpen their skills with hands-on experience,” said Nicole Noll-Williams (left), president and CEO of the Capital Region Airport Authority. “We thank all the participating agencies and appreciate their time and cooperation.”

Airport officials are making every effort to inform the public of the exercise in advance to prevent any undue concern that the drill might be a real airport or aircraft emergency. The exercise will not interfere with any scheduled arriving or departing aircraft, and passengers will have access to the main terminal building throughout the event.


The Capital Region Airport Authority owns and operates the Capital Region International Airport (LAN), Mason Jewett Field Airport (TEW) and Port Lansing – a global logistics center and mid-Michigan’s only U.S. Port of Entry. The Capital Region International Airport is an important asset in the mid-Michigan community, driving $1 billion annually in economic impact with 700 people employed at the airport. The airport welcomes more than 352,000 visitors each year to connect throughout the country and the world. In addition to providing corporate and general aviation, the Capital Region International Airport moves 60.7 million pounds of cargo annually and is one of two airports in the state with a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Federal Inspection Station. Port Lansing, mid-Michigan’s only U.S. Port of Entry and home to Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) #275 covering eight counties, also features a 48,000-square-foot cargo facility and container freight station, and 425 acres of ready-to-develop land. For more information, go to and visit the airport’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts.

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