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Capital Area Manufacturing Council Events and Holiday News


Our friends at Capital Steel & Wire recently made the holiday sweater best-dressed list. We love their team spirit!


Cindy met Dawn and Billy the Builder Bear at the Home Builders Association of Michigan. It is great to connect with others that share a need for skilled trades.


MMA Article – Court Overturns Stay on COVID-19

Vaccination and Testing Mandate

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is moving forward with implementation of the Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) that mandates employers to require their employees to be vaccinated for COVID-19 or be tested weekly and wear face coverings.

Over the weekend, the Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit dissolved the stay that blocked the ETS until this point, stating in part that “OSHA has demonstrated the pervasive danger that COVID-19 poses to workers – unvaccinated workers in particular – in their workplaces.” The decision overrules the November stay issued by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Following the court’s action, OSHA expressed intent to provide employers with sufficient time to come into compliance. If an employer demostrates reasonable good faith efforts toward compliance, citations under the full ETS will not be issued until 1/10/22 and the standard’s testing requirements will not be fully enforced until 2/9/22.

While this decision is sure to be appealed to the United States Supreme Court, MMA members should continue to exercise prudence and prepare to adjust their internal policies to comply with the OSHA ETS until the Court reaches a final decision.

Learn more about additional pending litigation in this memo from MMA’s Dave Worthams and contact him, at or 517-487-8511, with your questions and concerns regarding COVID-19 regulatory matters.


Tala Elchler, Outreach Manager and Team Captain from WHS Williamston Robotics Team. sent over a sponsorship flier for their team needs. Please support local robotics.

Visit them online here. Sponsorship Form


Patti sent over pictures of the Asahi Kasei Plastics North America team preparing gifts for four families they adopted. Employees donated items, money for gifts, food, personal care items and supplies for cleaning / laundry. They are truly making a difference.


CAMC January All Member Meeting

Speakers Include:

Steve Raetz – Director of Research and Market Intelligence for C.H. Robinson

Terry Glass – Executive Director Plastics IHSMarkit

Daniel Boggan III – Principal at Lansing J.W. Sexton High School

Our event will focus on supply chain challenges and local school outreach. CAMC members should have received a calendar invitation. If you have not received yours, please email Cindy.


CAMC Tour and Mentorship Event – January 26th – MSU Foundation – Hatch Tour

Please join us in supporting MSU students as they share their business ideas.

The MSU Foundation drives economic development by supporting grant programs, venture creation, venture investment, and placemaking initiatives across Michigan.

The East Lansing Technology Innovation Center opened in 2008, in the heart of downtown East Lansing, and is home to technology startup companies. The space and program offer support and space to grow their ideas, providing access to resources within the MSU innovation community and talent.

Register Here


Women in Manufacturing Speakers Include:

Julie Pingston – President & CEO Greater Lansing Convention and Visitors Bureau

Jill Roragen – Director of Human Resources, Capital Steel & Wire, Inc

Sponsors include: Alice Alexander – Sinica and Sonio Buonodono – EagleMonk Pub

Special thanks to HRU for their evening planning assistance.



ALRO Potterville Tour and Luncheon Registration Coming Soon


Upcoming Events:

January 10th – All Member Meeting

January 26th – MSU Foundation – Hatch Tour & Student Presentations

February 8th – Lunch and Tour of Alro Steel Potterville

February 17th – REO LBWL Depot – Women in Manufacturing – Love Lansing, Love My Job

March 23 – Tour Asahi Kasei Plastics North America

If you would like to have Cindy visit your facility, submit an article, or to unsubscribe from this publication, send an email below.

Join or renew your CAMC membership here.


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