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CAM Magazine Releases Its October “Special Issue,” Featuring 12 Outstanding Construction Projects in the State of Michigan

The Construction Association of Michigan is excited to announce that its CAM Magazine October Special Issue is ready to view! This 132-page, full-color issue of the magazine features 12 outstanding construction projects in the state of Michigan as submitted by CAM member companies.

Projects featured were completed or nearly completed between June 2019 and June 2020.

This year’s finalists include:

CMU Chippewa Champions Center, Mt. Pleasant

Owner: Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant

Construction Manager: Granger Construction, Lansing

Architects: GMB Architecture + Engineering, Grand Rapids; and Populous, locations worldwide

Engineer: GMB Architecture + Engineering, Grand Rapids


MSU STEM Teaching and Learning Facility, East Lansing

Owner: Michigan State University, East Lansing

Architects/Engineers: Ellenzweig, Boston, Massachusetts; Integrated Design Solutions, Troy

Contractor: Granger Construction Company, Novi


Henry Ford Brigitte Harris Cancer Pavilion, Detroit

Owner: Henry Ford Health System, Detroit

Architect & Engineer: SmithGroup, Detroit

Construction Manager: Turner Construction Company, Detroit

Associate Construction Manager: KEO & Associates, Detroit

Skywalk, Architectural: SDG Associates, LLC, Detroit

Parking, Architectural: Rich & Associates, Inc., Southfield


The Press / 321, Detroit

Owner/Developer: Bedrock Detroit, Detroit

Architect and Historic Consultant: Kraemer Design Group, LLC, Detroit

Construction Manager: Turner Construction Company, Detroit

Engineers: Peter Basso Associates, Troy; Desai/Nasr (now known as IMEG), West Bloomfield Twp.

MEP Engineer: Integrated Design Solutions, Troy

Civil Engineer: Giffels Webster, Detroit


UM-Flint William R. Murchie Science Building Expansion, Flint

Owner: University of Michigan, Flint

Architect: HED, Southfield

Contractor: Commercial Contracting Corp., Auburn Hills


ZEISS Michigan Quality Excellence Center, Southfield

Owner: ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions, Maple Grove, Minnesota

Architect, Interior and FF&E Design, Civil Engineer, MEP Engineer, Structural Engineer, Landscape Architect: SmithGroup, Detroit

Construction Manager: The Christman Company, Lansing


NMC Timothy J. Nelson Innovation Center, Traverse City

Owner: Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City

Construction Manager: Spence Brothers, Saginaw

Architect: Cornerstone Architects, Traverse City

Engineer: Nealis Engineering, Traverse City

Civil Engineer: Gosling Czubak Engineering Sciences, Traverse City

Structural Engineer: Trison Engineering, Traverse City


Beaumont Hospital-Farmington Hills Master Plan, Farmington Hills

Owner: Beaumont Health / Botsford Health Care

Program Manager: Plante Moran Cresa, Southfield

Architect: HKS Architects, Dallas, Texas

Construction Manager: Barton Malow Company, Southfield; AIMS, Detroit

Engineers: AECOM, Los Angeles; Storey Engineering, Macomb; Desai Nasr, West Bloomfield Twp.


United Wholesale Mortgage Training Center Expansion, Pontiac

Owner: United Wholesale Mortgage, Pontiac

Architect: Von Staden Architects, Royal Oak

Contractor: The Dailey Company, Lake Orion

Civil/Structural Engineer: Ruby + Associates, Bingham Farms

MEP Engineer: MA Engineering Mechanical Electrical, Birmingham


Stellantis Mack Avenue and Warren Truck Assembly Paint Shops, Detroit

Owner: Stellantis

Paint Equipment Supplier and Overall GC: Giffin, Inc., Auburn Hills

Construction Manager: Barton Malow Company, Southfield

Architects: Ghafari Associates, LLC, Dearborn

Engineer: Ghafari Associates, LLC, Dearborn


Michigan Veteran Homes, Chesterfield Twp. and Grand Rapids

Owner: Michigan Veteran Homes

Architect: TowerPinkster, Kalamazoo, SFCS, Roanoke, Virginia

Construction Manager: The Christman Company, Lansing


Berkshire eSupply HQ and Fulfillment Center, Novi

Owner: Berkshire eSupply

Architect, Engineer, Landscape Architect, Interior Designer: Albert Kahn Associates, Inc.

Construction Manager: Oliver / Hatcher Construction

Civil Engineer: The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc. 

Full contractor lists for these projects can be found in the 2021 CAM Magazine Special Issue. 

Interested in hearing more about this celebrated publication? Each year, CAM puts out a call for its member companies to submit their best projects of the previous year – 12 finalists are selected and featured in the magazine. The owners, general contractors, and architects from these projects are interviewed and sites toured prior to the writing of the feature articles. From the 12 finalists, the Project of the Year is selected by the CAM Magazine Editorial Advisory Committee, CAM staff, and an online vote. Readers can vote for the Project of Year by visiting 

CAM is already planning for next year and is accepting submissions for its Special Issue 2022. To be eligible, projects must be constructed or designed by a CAM member company, and must have been completed – or reached substantial completion – between June 2021 and June 2022. The deadline for submitting Special Issue 2022 projects is Friday, March 11, 2022. Advertising opportunities are available. Visit for more information and to submit your project. Let CAM share the story of your beautiful, challenging, compelling, and noteworthy buildings constructed over the course of the prior year. 

To view a video of the awards presentations for last year’s projects as published in CAM Magazine’s Special Issue 2020, visit CAM’s YouTube page.

CAM Magazine, established in 1980, is the official publication of the Construction Association of Michigan (CAM). It is a monthly, full-color, glossy magazine devoted to the individuals and companies who comprise the commercial construction industry in Michigan. CAM is the oldest and largest regional construction association in the United States. Founded in 1885, CAM is a not-for-profit organization based in Bloomfield Hills, MI, consisting of approximately 2,000 member companies, including general contractors, subcontractors, equipment and material suppliers, architects, engineers, and service firms. Visit for more information. 


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