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BWL Customer Open Houses Offer Help for Understanding Utility Bills

MBN: LBWL green energy


The Lansing Board of Water & Light (BWL) will host two open houses for customers with questions related to their utility usage and understanding their bill.

BWL customer service representatives will be on hand to individually review customer bills and answer questions on energy consumption, along with Hometown Energy Savers® experts who can schedule a free home energy visit to any BWL residential electric customer. BWL will also give presentations hourly throughout the events on understanding your bill to help customers better navigate account details.

“Listening to our customers is an important part of providing reliable and affordable utility services across our service territory. We heard our community and their concerns with bills, and we want to provide answers and support,” said BWL General Manager Dick Peffley. “We invite customers to attend and get help in understanding their BWL bill and information on the many programs we offer to lower energy costs.”

The open houses are free to the public and no pre-registration is necessary. These events will be held:

  • Tuesday, January 28, 10am-1pm at Foster Community Center, 200 N. Foster Ave., Lansing
  • Wednesday, February 5, 4-7pm at Alfreda Schmidt Community Center, 5825 Wise Rd., Lansing

These events are part of BWL’s “Bright Ideas” series, which connects customers with advice, tips and resources to better understand their utility bill and manage their energy usage. For more information, visit


MBN: LBWL green energy

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