"Getting A Grip" is a brand new show for Michigan Business Network, hosted by long-time MBN contributor Michael Maddox. Presented below is Episode 9!
In this weekly program Mike will focus on helping entrepreneurs end the chaos. Through the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) we highlight ways that business owners can clarify their vision, gain traction, and increase team health.
This week's guest Gabe Muller, Certified EOS Implementer from Virginia.
Watch Gabe and Mike discuss his company, EOS impact, themes of his journey, and the tools that make EOS work, and more and more in the YouTube video below!
More about Gabe, and his company:
Gabe Muller
Certified EOS Implementer https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabemuller/
As an advocate of servant leadership, Gabe truly believes in building deep, long-lasting relationships with the clients and the teams he serves.
Gabe is an agile leader who adapts to and excels in a dynamic business environment. He is passionate about helping companies reach their potential and providing his clients with an unforgettable experience. With an entrepreneurial spirit, Gabe has led multiple organizations and their teams to experience tremendous growth. He has applied this same entrepreneurial spirit to building a worldwide aviation club with over 5,000 members over the last 4 years.
As an avid pilot, Gabe develops a clear flight plan and performs a thorough preflight of the aircraft before each flight to ensure the plane is airworthy. As a Certified EOS Implementer®, he applies the same forward-thinking principles, helping his clients design and implement their operating systems to maximize efficiency and business results. Preparation is the cornerstone of Gabe’s success—in the cockpit and with his clients.
Tell us about why you chose to become an EOS Implementer?
How has EOS Impacted your life personally?
What are some common themes you have seen in working with clients through the EOS journey?
What advice would you give to entrepreneurs considering EOS?
What advice would you give to companies just beginning their EOS journey?
Lets discuss your “other passions” – flying! How does that tie in to what you teach?
*I also like to ask guests to share a motivational movie scene, poem, song – something that gets them fired up!
“Don’t Think… Just Do!” Maverick
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