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Rejection of Siting Ballot Initiative a Win for Michigan’s Clean Energy Future

Michigan Business Network
May 29, 2024 5:00 PM

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New clean energy laws allow farmers to exercise their property rights, earn second income for family farms
Lansing, Mich. – The Citizens for Local Choice (CLC) ballot initiative would have turned back the clock on Michigan’s clean energy projects and thwarted the state’s ability to achieve 100% clean energy by 2040, a coalition of nonpartisan groups said May 28th, as CLC failed to turn in petition signatures for the proposal to make it on the November ballot.
“Michigan’s clean energy laws hold big utilities accountable so they move toward 100% clean energy, dramatically reducing sulfur, arsenic and mercury pollution in our air and water, while putting money back into people’s pockets. Michigan’s new laws also streamline the permitting process to prevent local governments from trampling farmers’ property rights. In the past, excessive red tape allowed local bureaucrats to block farmers from earning a second income by leasing out their land for clean energy – helping to keep third- and fourth-generation farming families in business. We’re pleased Citizens for Local Choice failed to gather enough public support to submit even the minimum required number of signatures for their misguided attempt to make the November ballot and turn back the clock. We applaud Gov. Whitmer and lawmakers for beginning to implement this landmark piece of legislation so future generations can breathe cleaner air, drink cleaner water and farmers’ property rights are protected.”
The following groups signed onto this statement: Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association (GLREA), Evergreen Action, Michigan Clinicians for Climate Action (MiCCA), Michigan League of Conservation Voters, Ecology Center, Sierra Club, Vote Solar, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America - Michigan Chapter, Climate Cabinet, and Ceres.

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