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Reignite the Profession - Teaching!

Students United: Mobile Minds Flipping Society
August 20, 2015 6:00 PM

Motivation and InnovationThis summer, a small group of teachers came together to work on a unique project to shoot a short video to help create a new positive narrative in education. During a time when educators’ voices are not being adequately heard, it is vital to amplify the true stories and experiences of those in the trenches. Many of us know why we became educators; however, this has been lost in the “static.” We believe this video (Reignite the Profession) will serve as an initial step in helping to change the view of our profession. However, to make this happen, we need your help!!!

We need you to help us spread this video to as many educators and others as you can through social media (STARTING 8/17/15) and by emailing this letter to as many leaders in education that you can, asking them to share it with their teachers and staff…sometime during their first week of meetings and professional development, if possible, to help kick-off the new school year. Also, we encourage you to share this with the broader community to spark greater involvement in improving education.

What a powerful, positive, and effective way to start the school year and help us "continue the conversation" that is started in the video by allowing educators to watch, reflect, and continue to talk up our profession. We have included a few discussion starters that can be used by building/district administrators to use with teachers/staff after viewing the video together.

  • Upon further reflection of the video, what images and words resonate the most Why? (Ex: Connectivity, Positive Risk-Taking, Thinking Out-of-the-Box).
  • Share a story about a powerful moment from your own teaching.
  • Why you teach
  • What legacy you want to leave to others (students, parents, community members etc.)?
  • Describe a time where you saw great teaching/experienced great teaching in action.
  • How are you going to contribute to positive change to ignite the profession and keep the conversation going?
  • How might students play an active role in helping to shape a more positive culture of learning?

Our hope is that through the collective sharing of our passion for what we do throughout this upcoming school year, a new dialogue to better support each other will emerge. Thanks for your time and effort to help share this video link and keep this new conversation going.

Click here to play the video, Reignite the Profession.

Students United: Mobile Minds Flipping Society, hosted by Jeff Croley and Jason LaFay, intends to help merge the worlds of education and business by featuring innovative programs, projects, and people in K12 education throughout Michigan and beyond. The show aims to be the voice of K12 innovation. In order to better understand what is happening in schools it is important to provide a narrative of how education is evolving. To ensure a new generation of learner is adequately prepared, driven, and passionately ready for the workforce old divides must be bridged.

Tuesdays at 10AM and 4:00PM
Replay: 10 PM Tuesdays and 4 AM Wednesdays

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