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Pure Lansing : Global Auto Supplier Gestamp Expands in Mason, Michigan

Pure Lansing
July 9, 2024 5:00 PM

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Announcement with Michigan Governor Whitmer at a National Investment Summit Raises Lansing Region’s Profile in Automotive Innovation, Reinforcing Its Status as a Premier Mobility Hub 

Lansing, Mich. (July 9, 2024) — The Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP), announced today that the international auto supplier, Gestamp Mason, LLC, will expand its Mason, Mich. location, creating 100 new jobs for the region.

profile_photo-260x260 (1)-1The announcement was made at the Select USA Investment Summit in Washington, D.C., the highest profile event in the United States that facilitates business investment by connecting thousands of investors, companies, economic development organizations (EDOs), and industry experts. Emma Bostwick, LEAP’s director of business attraction (left),  joined Gestamp and Governor Whitmer to reveal the expansion. 

LEAP, along with the MEDC and the City of Mason, has been working closely with Gestamp over the past year to bring this expansion project to fruition. 

Bob Trezise-1“Gestamp has been a pillar of Mason and the Greater Lansing region for years, and we are thankful that we were competitively selected for Gestamp's further expansion plans, creating jobs, investment, resources, and benefit to the community," said Bob Trezise, President & CEO of LEAP (left). "People often wonder how we can help sustain smaller towns, small businesses on main street, and rural life. Having a balanced development plan that includes a reliable manufacturing plant is a critically important answer." 

1689957502058"The latest expansion by Gestamp of their Mason facility is very exciting. We appreciate their continued commitment to the Lansing Region which will further enhance the local tax base while improving employment opportunities," said Russell Whipple, mayor of the City of Mason (left). "Gestamp is the manufacturing anchor for the tax base and as such, a very important asset in the city. The City of Mason looks forward to continuing our collaborative relationship with Gestamp." 

messer-quentinThe Michigan Strategic Fund (MSF) has approved incentives for Gestamp's expansion initiatives, underscoring the state's commitment to fostering growth and innovation. “Gestamp’s expansion plans in its manufacturing operations across the state reflects the potential for growth and industry leadership that can be found right here in Michigan,” said Michigan Economic Development Corporation CEO Quentin L. Messer Jr. (left) “From our talented workforce to our thriving automotive ecosystem, companies like Gestamp recognize that the future is right here. While work remains, we are grateful for Gestamp’s vote of confidence in Michigan and this is another example that the ‘Make It in Michigan’ economic development strategy is paying dividends for Michiganders.” 

The investment in Mason will secure advanced machinery and equipment, heralding a new era of technological innovation and manufacturing excellence. 

1658515742285“We are happy and proud to have the support from the Government of Michigan to help Gestamp grow our business in this key automotive hub after 20 years of success in the local car industry. With these new projects, Michigan stays and strengthens its position as the main investment and employment state of Gestamp in the United States,” said Luis Ceular, Gestamp US President (left). “We feel fortunate to get this opportunity allowing us to have a positive impact in the communities where we operate, and to keep developing and employing more associates in Michigan, who are our most valued asset as a business.” 

As Gestamp Mason, LLC prepares to expand its footprint, it underscores Michigan's position as a global leader in automotive innovation. With a commitment to job creation, technological advancement, and community engagement, Gestamp's expansion signals a bright future for the automotive industry in Michigan and beyond. 

The enhancement of Gestamp's Mason facility strengthens the Lansing Region's mobility cluster. With this investment, the region continues to drive innovation and solidify its position as a hub for the automotive industry. 

For more information on career opportunities with Gestamp North America, please visit Gestamp Careers. 


About LEAP 
Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP) is a coalition of area leaders partnering to build a stronger community for all — working every day to grow, retain and attract business to the Lansing, Michigan, region. 

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