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PHOTOS: Peters Leads Listening Tour on Strengthening Michigan’s Infrastructure in Grand Rapids, Lansing and Southfield

Michigan Business Network
June 7, 2021 7:00 AM

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DETROIT, MI – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) this past week launched his statewide Building a Stronger Michigan listening tour to hear from Michiganders about local needs and priorities to enhance critical infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and broadband to help inform his work on infrastructure legislation in the Senate. He convened roundtable discussions in Grand Rapids, Lansing, and Southfield.

On Wednesday, Peters heard from local leaders in Grand Rapids and toured the MDOT West Michigan Operations Center. On Thursday, he met with business leaders and local officials at People’s Kitchen in Lansing then took a walking tour of Michigan Avenue. Finally, on Friday Peters met with community leaders at Oakland Community College in Southfield, where he continued discussions on what infrastructure upgrades would mean to Michigan families, workers, businesses, and the surrounding community. 

“Investing in 21st-century infrastructure means not only upgrading our outdated roads and bridges, but investing in clean drinking water systems, cybersecurity, and workforce development, in order to grow our economy and create good-paying jobs in Michigan,” said Senator Peters. “It’s been far too long since the U.S. made major infrastructure investments, and we must act now to strengthen our state and country. I look forward to continue hearing from Michiganders across the state in the coming days and weeks about how to address this critical issue affecting our state, as I work with my Senate colleagues to pass an infrastructure package.”


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