Andy Hays speaks with a series of individuals connected with Michigan State University Extension for this episode of Around the State. He starts with Mike Schira, Houghton/Keweenaw director of Michigan State University Extension; they discuss his involvement with MSU Extension, focusing on natural resources, as well as a program focused on preventing destruction from wildfires.
Next is Mark Thomas, educator at Michigan State University Extension, and they discuss farming in Michigan and its continual growth, especially for the organic sector. He is followed by Karen Potter-Witter, forestry professor at Michigan State University. They discuss how she is connected to the MSU Extension program focusing on the natural resources enterprise workgroup. Rick Lucas, public service forester working out of Reed City, Michigan, discusses the importance of Michigan's natural resources with Andy. Then Herbert, an educator at Michigan State University Extension, discusses what shoreline restoration and protection is, and why it is important, especially in Michigan. Finally, Andy speaks with Dean Solomon, educator at Michigan State University Extension, and they discuss what his job as an educator entails, and more broadly, what MSU Extension is all about.