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Michigan Business Beat | Tom Kelly, Automation Alley - Project DIAMOnD Gaining National Attention!

Michigan Business Beat
July 4, 2024 5:00 PM


Chris Holman welcomes back Tom Kelly, President & CEO, Automation Alley, Troy, MI.

Watch Tom and Chris discuss Project DIAMOnD, its national recognition, and the future of the initiative in improving U.S. competitiveness in advanced manufacturing.- click play on the YouTube video below.

Automation Alley’s Project DIAMOnD cited in national manufacturing action plan

Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP) report spearheaded by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt calls out Michigan-based Project DIAMOnD as distributed 3D printing model for DoD to follow
Inclusion of Project DIAMOnD in SCSP national action plan validates progress and potential of 3D printing network driven by Automation Alley and Oakland County
TROY, Mich. (June 24, 2024) – A new report released by the Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP), an organization funded by former CEO of Google, Chairman Eric Schmidt, named 3D Printing network Project DIAMOnD as an example of the types of projects that are essential to improving U.S. competitiveness in advanced manufacturing. Project DIAMOnD –which stands for distributed, independent, agile manufacturing on demand – is an initiative powered by Automation Alley and funded by Oakland County, Michigan.
The SCSP’s Action Plan for U.S. Leadership in Advanced Manufacturing” report identifies 3D printing and additive manufacturing as a moonshot project – an “audacious goal that can move the entire U.S. innovation ecosystem toward a position of competitive advantage.”
Additionally, Project DIAMOnD was cited as a “scalable model” for the recommendation to pursue a national-level, distributed production network for additive manufacturing focused on small and medium-sized manufacturers adoption. The report recommends the U.S. Department of Defense adopt the Project DIAMOnD model as a central component of America’s national security, leaning on the U.S. supply chain to produce the parts as necessary.
“Our national security and economic independence are linked to our competitiveness in the manufacturing economy. The next 10 years are critical for helping our small manufacturing firms bridge the divide between traditional and additive manufacturing,” said Oakland County Executive David Coulter. “Project DIAMOnD is the initiative that is helping bridge this divide in Oakland County today and it’s a blueprint for how to facilitate increased competitiveness and innovation. Most importantly, it is key to the future health of our economy and the security of our nation.”
Project DIAMOnD was developed in October 2020 to accelerate digital transformation among Michigan manufacturers. In Phase I of the program, which was funded by $10 million from Oakland County and $2 million from Macomb County, Automation Alley distributed 300 3D printers to small- and mid-size manufacturers at no cost, provided workforce training, and networked the printers to be used to fulfill emergency orders at scale.
In 2021, the network concept was validated, as it printed and shipped 8,000 tourniquet parts to fulfill a request from the Ukrainian Defense Ministry. The parts allowed for the assembling of more than 2,600 tourniquets to help those in need of medical assistance during the Russian assault on Ukraine.
“Project DIAMOnD is honored to be included in SCSP’s National Action Plan report as a moonshot advanced manufacturing initiative. This validates what we have known from the beginning – that 3D printing continues to have a vast, untapped potential to revolutionize manufacturing across many sectors. Project DIAMOnD is an innovative public-private partnership model that enables the scaling and adoption of additive manufacturing for small and medium manufacturers,” said Automation Alley Executive Director and CEO Tom Kelly. “We are proud of the progress that Project DIAMOnD and its participants have made since the program was launched four years ago, and we believe there is potential to do so much more in the future.”
In 2023, Automation Alley and Oakland County announced Phase II of Project DIAMOnD, directing an additional $15 million of federal funds toward the purchase of 250 additional state-of-the-art 3D printers, the buildout of a marketplace and additional training support for participants in the program.
In May, Mich. Governor Whitmer recognized the momentum achieved by Project DIAMOnD and called for a statewide expansion of the network of 3D printers to deliver on her vision to build the “Infrastructure for Innovation” businesses. Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties joined the governor and made a commitment to expand Project DIAMOnD.
To learn more about Project DIAMOnD, or if you are a small- or medium-sized manufacturer interested in joining the program, visit projectdiamond.org
About Project DIAMOnD 
Project DIAMOnD was established in October 2020 by Oakland County and Automation Alley through CARES Act grants of $10 million from Oakland County. $2 million additional dollars from Macomb County, allowed the current network to expand to Macomb County businesses. This program accelerates digital transformation among Michigan manufacturers and strengthened supply chains for producing PPE during the pandemic. Project DIAMOnD participating manufacturers could use the 3D printers supplied by Markforged, Inc. to expand their production of various industrial parts and products, ultimately enhancing Industry 4.0 manufacturing capabilities in Michigan and throughout the United States. Visit projectdiamond.org.
About Automation Alley
Automation Alley is a nonprofit technology business association and Digital Transformation Insight Center focused on driving the growth and success of businesses in Michigan and beyond through innovation and automation. With a global outlook and a regional focus, we foster a vibrant community of innovators, entrepreneurs, and business leaders through opportunities for collaboration and learning. Our programs and services help businesses develop the skills and expertise needed to effectively jumpstart or accelerate digital transformation. By bringing together industry, academia, and government, we aim to create a dynamic ecosystem that drives innovation and growth across Michigan.
At Automation Alley, our mission is to help businesses thrive in the rapidly changing digital economy by equipping them with the knowledge, insights, and tools to develop a software-first mindset that leverages the power of automation, AI, and other cognitive technologies. We believe that by working together, we can build a stronger, more innovative, and more competitive economy for the future. Visit automationalley.com.
About Oakland County Economic Development:
Oakland County, Michigan is a world-leading center for business that is home to leaders in the mobility, automotive, and advanced manufacturing industries. With over 800 foreign-owned companies from 39 countries, Oakland is a highly diverse and international community that boasts one of the highest concentrations of commercial designers and industrial engineers in the U.S.A. Companies located in Oakland lead the world in next generation automotive manufacturing and automotive-related research and development. Oakland County is home to approximately 12 percent of Michigan’s population and accounts for more than 20 percent of the state’s GDP, making it the State of Michigan’s economic engine.
Strategically located in the center of Southeast Michigan, Oakland provides innovative programs and access to resources to support local industry and build its economic base. Contact the Oakland County team at info@advantageoakland.com or to learn more visit:  https://www.oakgov.com/business/advantage-oakland.

Counties will scale up Automation Alley's unprecedented network of 3D printers, delivering on governor’s vision to build the “Infrastructure for Innovation” businesses need to lower costs, boost output

MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich.— Governor Gretchen Whitmer brought leaders from Oakland, Wayne, and Macomb counties together to announce their commitment to an expansion of Automation Alley’s Project DIAMOnD, a shared network of 3D printers that small manufacturers in all three counties can use to lower their costs and scale up their businesses, with a goal of eventual statewide expansion. This announcement is part of the governor’s vision to build out the “Infrastructure for Innovation,” shared technology or resources that entrepreneurs and businesses can use to grow in Michigan.   

“Today’s commitment by Oakland, Wayne, and Macomb counties to expand Automation Alley’s Project DIAMOnD will help us grow our economy, lower costs for small businesses, and build out the ‘Infrastructure for Innovation’ we need to lead the future,” said Governor Whitmer. “Looking forward, we can build on this momentum and expand this network of 3D printers statewide. At this year’s Mackinac Policy Conference, I am focused on unleashing Michigan innovation to solve some of the biggest problems we face and grow the cutting-edge industries that will help us lead the future while recruiting and retaining top talent to Michigan. Together, we will continue bringing public and private sector partners together to help local entrepreneurs and small businesses compete on a global scale. Let’s get it done.”  

“Project DIAMOnD was inspired during the dark days of COVID, born out of frustration about supply chain issues and dependency on oversees manufacturing,” said Oakland County Executive Dave Coulter. “It is giving Oakland County businesses access to 3D printing technology and training that is allowing them to dramatically cut production time and costs as well as keep manufacturing right here in Michigan. After our initial investment of $25 million over two phases, we are thrilled that Macomb, Wayne, and the State of Michigan are joining the program to make it a regional and statewide priority - and an opportunity for global competitiveness.”   

“We are pleased to partner with all the stakeholders on this very important initiative—Project DIAMOnD—an innovative move that will help increase access to 3D printing technology to Wayne County’s more than 300 manufacturing companies,” said Wayne County Executive Warren C. Evans. “Southeast Michigan has long been a national leader in manufacturing and automation, and in Wayne County, we are committed to keeping it that way. Making new technology more accessible is a significant step toward continuing our state’s history of innovation. I look forward to working with the state and our neighboring counties to help build upon our region’s successes and make Southeast Michigan a sought after destination for people to live, work and do business.”   

“The foundation and future of our economic advantage in Southeast Michigan is advanced manufacturing,” said Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel. “With world-class facilities and unrivaled talent, Macomb County is a destination where, from concept to consumer, no one does it better. This expansion of Project DIAMOnD statewide will strengthen our network of innovators with the cutting-edge tools and digital systems that will ensure we continue to be a leader in this space.”   

“Project DIAMOnD represents the future of manufacturing. Through cutting-edge 3D printing technology, comprehensive training, and access to a vast network of industry leaders, Project DIAMOnD is empowering small- and medium-sized manufacturers to accelerate their digital transformation,” said Tom Kelly, Executive Director and CEO of Automation Alley. “With support from Oakland County, and collaboration from the State and Macomb and Wayne Counties, we are putting our flag in the ground and building the world's largest additive manufacturing ecosystem—right here in Michigan.”  

Expanding Project DIAMOnD 

 Project DIAMOnD, which stands for Distributed, Independent, Agile Manufacturing on Demand, is a unique partnership forged by Automation Alley that was kickstarted in 2020 with federal funding thanks to Executive Dave Coulter’s pioneering leadership in Oakland County.    

Now, Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties have committed to expanding it with federal funding from President Biden’s American Rescue Plan. The expansion will help the more than 9,100 small manufacturers across all three counties access a network of 3D printers that many hundreds of local businesses have already used to lower costs, increase  production efficiency, or grow their businesses. Ultimately, the goal is statewide expansion, so small manufacturers across Michigan—in all 83 counties—can access this network. Getting this done would make Michigan a national model.   

Building the Infrastructure for Innovation 

Today’s expansion is part of Governor Whitmer’s push to build the “Infrastructure for Innovation” that entrepreneurs, manufacturers, and small businesses need to expand in Michigan. This includes boosting access to specialized equipment or technology like 3D printers that many businesses could use but few can access.    

By facilitating connections like Project DIAMOnD, Michigan can continue working with public and private sector partners to make even more tools and resources—the Infrastructure for Innovation—available to budding entrepreneurs and business owners. Bold, unprecedented initiatives like these are also talent attraction and retention tools and will help Michigan compete to bring top talent from across the nation and around the world home.   

Governor Whitmer’s Vision for Economic Development   

Governor Whitmer has a comprehensive vision for economic development focused on winning projects, supporting people, and investing in places. She called for four new economic development tools in her 2024 State of the State address 

  1. R&D Tax Credit: lower the cost of research and development. 
  2. HIRE Michigan: a payroll tax cut so the more you hire in Michigan, the more you save in Michigan. 
  3. Modernized Renaissance Zones: make it easier to drive investment and create jobs in underinvested areas of the state. 
  4. Innovation Fund: support for early-stage startups.   
Project Diamond
  Photos as shared and provided by Automation Alley
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Michigan Business Beat, hosted by Chris Holman, discusses economic development, new or unusual entrepreneurial initiatives, and successful business practices from different regions and industries around Michigan with a wide range of entrepreneurs and business leaders.

8:00 AM every Monday through Friday
Replay: 8:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 2:00 AM The music for 'Michigan Business Beat' is graciously shared use of Phil Denny's "Traffic Jam" off his 2012 CD 'Crossover'

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