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Michigan Business Beat | Mackinac Policy Conference 2024 - U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow - #MPC24

Michigan Business Beat
May 31, 2024 4:00 PM


The Detroit Regional Chamber's annual Mackinac Policy Conference.

Chris Holman speaks with Debbie Stabenow Michigan Senior U.S. Senator, from Media Row, at the Grand Hotel, while at the 2024 Mackinac Policy Conference.

Watch Senator Stabenow and Chris discuss her efforts in Washington this year and over her career along with her overall focus from the #MPC24 click play on the YouTube video below.  


“Made in Michigan” through and through, U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow continues
to influence public policy and improve the lives of the people of Michigan and
Americans across our country. Her leadership is characterized by an unrivaled work
ethic, ability to build bipartisan coalitions to get things done, and a commitment to
public service that has set the standard for constituent service.

Opened Doors and Created Opportunities for Women and Girls

Throughout her years in public service, she has blazed trails and opened doors for
women and girls. Among her many “firsts” she was the first and youngest woman to
chair the Ingham County Board of Commissioners, first woman to preside over the
Michigan House of Representatives and first woman elected to the United States
Senate from Michigan. She made history by being the first woman to beat an
incumbent United States senator.

Improved the Health of Our Great Lakes and Protected Michigan
Waters for Future Generations

One of the first bills she passed in the U.S. Senate was a ban on oil and gas drilling in
the Great Lakes. She authored two landmark programs that are already transforming
the health of our Great Lakes and waterways for future generations - the Great Lakes
Restoration Initiative and the Regional Conservation Partnership Program in the Farm
Bill. From stopping invasive species to modernizing our Soo Locks, there is no greater
champion for our Great Lakes, natural resources, and Michigan way-of-life.

Strengthened Michigan’s Global Leadership in Manufacturing &
Clean Energy

Senator Stabenow has persistently focused on making things in America and bringing
jobs home. During the global financial crisis, she led Senate efforts to rescue our auto
industry. She has championed laws to spur new investments in clean energy and
advanced manufacturing including the original electric vehicle consumer credit,
battery tax credit, and clean energy manufacturing tax credit. Because of her
leadership, Michigan is well-positioned as a global leader in our new clean energy

Reshaped our Nation's Farm and Food Policy

Senator Stabenow is driven by the belief that we can’t have a strong economy unless
we make things and grow things in our state. As chair of the powerful Senate
Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, her work continues to shape our
nation’s food and farm policy, impacting generations to come.

She has been laser focused on expanding the economic impact of Eastern market in
Detroit, and helping to create more opportunities for food entrepreneurs and urban

She has redefined the role of American agriculture in protecting our land and water;
responding to the climate crisis; addressing hunger and nutrition; and creating a food
system that is more inclusive. She created the first specialty crop title in Farm Bill
history to support Michigan’s broad range of crops –from our fruits and vegetables
to hops and horticulture.

Made Health Care More Affordable for Michigan Families and
Transformed Mental Health and Addiction Treatment

Senator Stabenow helped write the Affordable Care Act and passed major reforms to
bring down the cost of prescription drugs. Her bipartisan Excellence in Mental Health
and Addiction Treatment Act, is transforming the way we deliver behavioral health
services by funding behavioral health the same way we fund physical health services.
It is the biggest step forward in expanding community mental health and addiction
services in a generation. Michigan now has 41 community clinics in Detroit and across
the state. They include 24-hour crisis services so people do not just sit in jail or in the
emergency department of the hospital. Many more clinics will be funded this year
and beyond. Millions of people in Michigan and across our nation will be receiving
the care they need as a result of her leadership.

Established Groundbreaking Protections for Children and

From child nutrition, to school-based health clinics to children’s healthcare, Senator
Stabenow is a “go-to” leader on children’s health. Her trademark as a local official
and state legislator is as an advocate and champion for children and families. As a
local elected official, she was instrumental in creating one of our state’s first
domestic violence shelters. Over 50 Michigan public acts bear her name. These
include legislation creating the Michigan Children’s Trust Fund to prevent child abuse
and neglect, the Children’s Mental Health Act, first-of-its-kind domestic violence
protections, the Michigan Family Support Subsidy Act, and reforms to child support
and custody laws that became a national model.

Led Major Efforts to Help Communities in Times of Crisis in

Senator Stabenow led the Congressional response to the Flint water crisis and
worked with the Obama Administration on every step. This included leading the
yearlong fight to get the Republican Congress to appropriate $170 million to replace
the water pipes and leading efforts to expand Medicaid coverage to all children and
pregnant moms in Flint.

Senator Stabenow successfully led a major fight in 2013 to get the funds for blight
removal in Detroit and other cities in Michigan, allowing neighborhoods to be rebuilt.
A common theme in Senator Stabenow’s career is that her
accomplishments often take years and great effort. But she succeeds
because she never gives up until the job gets done

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Michigan Business Beat, hosted by Chris Holman, discusses economic development, new or unusual entrepreneurial initiatives, and successful business practices from different regions and industries around Michigan with a wide range of entrepreneurs and business leaders.

8:00 AM every Monday through Friday
Replay: 8:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 2:00 AM The music for 'Michigan Business Beat' is graciously shared use of Phil Denny's "Traffic Jam" off his 2012 CD 'Crossover'

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