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Michigan Business Beat | Laura R. Holmes, Celebrating 25 Years: Michigan Irish Music Festival

Michigan Business Network
September 9, 2024 10:00 AM

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Jeffrey Mosher welcomes Laura R. Holmes; Marketing Director, Michigan Irish Music Festival, Muskegon, MI.

They're the 8ThirtyFour Integrated Communications Spotlight interview of September 2024.

Hear Laura and Jeffrey discuss the Michigan Irish Music Festival celebrating 25 years with 30+ artists, cultural experiences, community support, and significant local economic impact in the SoundCloud podcast shared below:

Jeffrey had several questions for Laura in this conversation:

1. As you celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Michigan Irish Music Festival,
what do you think has been the key to its longevity and growth over the years?

2. The festival has expanded from one stage and five performers to six major stages
and over 30 artists over the years, what factors have made that possible?

3. The event is 100% volunteer-run, and many of those volunteers have been with you from the start.
What does it mean to see the community continuously coming together to support this event?

4. What should festival attendees be most excited for in the 25th year of the event?

5. Beyond music, what other cultural experiences can attendees expect at the festival?

6. The festival is part of Muskegon's larger arts and culture scene, which has a multi-million-dollar
economic impact in that community each year.
What role do you see the Michigan Irish Music Festival playing in this larger effort?

7. With approximately 11% of Michigan residents claiming Irish ancestry,
how does the festival cater to both those with Irish heritage and those simply interested in the culture?

8. Giving back to the community is a big part of the festival and its purpose,
donating about $400,000 and over 20,000 pounds of food to local charities since 2008.
Can you tell us more about these initiatives?

9. How has the festival's growth impacted its ability to contribute to the local community?

10. Looking ahead, what are your goals for the festival's future growth and impact on Muskegon's economy?

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The festival also shared more information on the upcoming event.

Milestone Event Set to Attract 30,000+ Visitors, Part of $67.6 Million Economic Impact from Arts and Festivals

MUSKEGON, MI—The Michigan Irish Music Festival, a cornerstone event for the state's significant Irish American population, will celebrate its 25th anniversary from September 12-15, 2024, at Heritage Landing in Muskegon. This 100% volunteer-run event is expected to draw over 30,000 attendees, significantly contributing to the local economy as part of Muskegon's vibrant arts and culture scene.

"Our 25th anniversary isn't just a celebration of Irish culture; it's a major economic driver for Muskegon," said Laura Holmes, Marketing Director for the Michigan Irish Music Festival. "We're proud to be part of the arts and cultural landscape that has such a significant impact on our community."

Economic Impact of Arts, Culture, and Festivals in Muskegon

According to Visit Muskegon, the county's destination marketing organization, arts and cultural organizations and festivals in Muskegon County made a substantial impact on the area's economy and quality of life in 2022:

· Total estimated economic impact: $67.6 million

· This represents 18.4% of the overall estimated tourism economic impact of $366.6 million for Muskegon County in 2022

· $43.2 million generated through lodging, food and beverage, souvenirs, vendor revenues, rentals, ticket sales, and parking revenues

· An additional $24.4 million from employee salaries, operations, sponsorships, grants, and foundation revenues

"These numbers demonstrate that Art and Culture continues to have a major impact on economic development in Muskegon," said Kirk Hallman, Executive Director of the Muskegon Museum of Art. "In addition, the arts sector itself continues to directly invest in its own infrastructure including the renovation of the Frauenthal Center and the Muskegon Museum of Art expansion project - all of which will dramatically increase these already impressive numbers in years to come."

Irish Population in Michigan

Michigan boasts a substantial Irish American population, with approximately 11% of residents claiming Irish ancestry. This demographic has played a crucial role in the festival's growth and preserving Irish culture in the state.

"Our festival serves as a focal point for Michigan's Irish community, which numbers over 1 million people," said Chris Zahrt, Past President and Founding Board Member of the Michigan Irish Music Festival. "It's not just entertainment; it's a celebration of our shared heritage and its contribution to Michigan's cultural landscape."

Musical and Cultural Highlights

The festival features an impressive lineup including international acts Gaelic Storm, Kíla, and Talisk, alongside local favorites. Beyond music, the event offers cultural experiences, craft beer tastings, and Irish food demonstrations.

"We've expanded from one stage and five performers 25 years ago to six major stages and over 30 artists today," said Holmes. "This growth reflects the increasing interest in Irish culture across Michigan and beyond."

Community Impact

Run entirely by volunteers, the festival has donated approximately $400,000 and over 20,000 pounds of food to local charities since 2008.

"Our economic impact goes beyond visitor spending," Holmes emphasized. "We're committed to reinvesting in our community, making a lasting difference in Muskegon and surrounding areas." For complete festival information and tickets, visit www.michiganirish.org.

About Michigan Irish Music Festival: Now in its 25th year, the Michigan Irish Music Festival is a premier celebration of Irish culture in the Midwest, attracting over 30,000 visitors annually to Muskegon, Michigan.

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Michigan Business Network is an online broadcasting company that provides knowledge, news, and insights into Michigan’s businesses, industries, and economy.