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ICYMI: Michigan Business Beat | Michelle Beebe, SBAM Launches New Women-Owned Business Certification

Michigan Business Network
July 4, 2024 8:00 AM

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Jeffrey Mosher welcomes Michelle Beebe, Chief Revenue Officer of SBAM, the Small Business Association of Michigan, Lansing, MI.Hear Michelle and Jeffrey discuss her career path, the new women-owned business certification in partnership with the Great Lakes Women’s Business Council, SBAM's small business certification, member benefits, and a new cybersecurity insurance offering by clicking on the SoundCloud Podcast shared below:

Welcome Michelle, please share a bit of your career path that led to being the CRO for SBAM?   
The recent news we wanted you on to share about is that SBAM is set to launch new women-owned business certification
through partnership with Great Lakes Women’s Business Council, tell us about that?
SBAM also does small business certification, what does that entail?
Michelle, I understand you manage all products and services for SBAM so could you speak to general benefits too - anything that comes with being a member?
Didn't I read something about another recent offering – cybersecurity insurance?

SBAM to launch new women-owned business certification through partnership with Great Lakes Women’s Business Council
Lansing, MI – The Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM) April 2nd announced it is partnering with the Great Lakes Women’s Business Council to offer its members a Women Business Enterprise certification. This distinction for majority women-owned businesses offers educational support through trainings, coaching and mentoring programs, and expanded visibility in corporate supply chain diversity, governmental agencies and other procurement organizations.
“We are thrilled to be offering this new certification to our members,” said Michelle Beebe, Chief Revenue Officer of SBAM. “A Women Business Enterprise certification will pave the way to countless opportunities for our women-owned business
“In our ever-changing entrepreneurial landscape, our members will especially benefit from the mentoring, coaching and networking prospects offered by the Women Business Enterprise certification.”
Women Business Enterprises, or WBE, are independent, at least 51% owned and controlled by one or more women, whose management or daily operation is controlled by a woman within the industry. Businesses with WBE certification will be confirmed to contain each of these elements as well as gain access to many WBENC opportunities. In addition to this, certified businesses will also gain access to over 10,000 certified WBE’s to purchase services or participate in potential partnerships.
The Great Lakes Women’s Business Council is one of 14 certifying partner organizations nationally for the WBE certification. It also offers access to capital, corporate contracting opportunities and educational support for small businesses with a women and/or minority-owned distinction.

Become a Certified Women’s Business Enterprise

Obtain your WBE (Women Business Enterprise) Certification and unlock new opportunities! This certification is available to businesses owned, managed, and controlled by women.

WBE certification is one of the most widely recognized and respected certifications in the nation. Accepted by hundreds of corporations within the country and a number of federal, state, and local government agencies, WBE certification is an important marketing tool for expanding a company’s visibility among decision makers in corporate supply chain diversity and procurement organizations.

  • Access to all WBENC corporate members (1,000+) contact information 
  • Business listing in WBENC link where all national corporate members can view for sourcing purposes.
  • Eligible to participate in GLWBC trainings, counseling and group mentoring programs free of charge.
  • Opportunity to participate in training/coaching programs offered by national corporations that are WBENC members free of charge.
  • Invitations to roundtables, 1:1 matchmaker opportunities, and educational events held by major corporations around the country.
  • Invitation to WBENC annual conference (largest women’s business conference in the country (6,000+ attendees).
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Michigan Business Network is an online broadcasting company that provides knowledge, news, and insights into Michigan’s businesses, industries, and economy.