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MBN on the Road | MEDC's Quentin Messer Jr. - CAR - Management Briefing Seminars 2024

Michigan Business Network
August 23, 2024 5:00 PM

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Wednesday, August 7th, Jeffrey Mosher was on the road to Acme, MI, at the Grand Traverse Resort & Spa for CAR (Center for Automotive Research's) 59th Annual Management Briefing Seminars.

Shared here you can watch Quentin and Jeffrey discuss CAR MBS, discussing MEDC's Mackinac takeaways, summer focus, and Michigan's business insights.in the YouTube videos below:

MBN held nine conversations from a range of business conversations of leaders and active contributors to Michigan who were on hand for this year's CAR MBS.

In this interview Jeffrey looked to find out Quentin and MEDC's takeaways from the Mackinac Policy Conference, what they've been focused on this summer, their connection to CAR MBS, what he's taking away from the event,  along with what he views as something the business community might still not know about MEDC.

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Michigan Business Network is an online broadcasting company that provides knowledge, news, and insights into Michigan’s businesses, industries, and economy.