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MBN Celebrating 13 Years! Remembering Inaugural Episode with Rob Fowler!

Michigan Business Beat
July 4, 2024 2:00 PM

Rob_Fowler.jpgJuly 4th, 2024, marks the 13th anniversary of Michigan Business Network. Here, you get to listen to a July 4th, 2011 segment from “Michigan Today”, a sister show to ‘Michigan Business Beat’ on MBN.

Chris Holman billed that day over a decade ago as both “Freedom from Bad Business Communications Day”, and "Independence from Bad Business Communications Day".

Hear Rob and Chris discuss SBAM at the time of the start of MBN in the podcast shared below:

Rob Fowler, now former CEO & President of SBAM, the Small Business Association of Michigan joined Chris on this special event. The pair viewed that time as the right one for the need of getting out the message. SBAM at the time served approximately 12,000 members. Today, SBAM indicates that small businesses can join their force of 30,000+ strong and become a part of the premier organization for small business owners in Michigan..

Even at that time, Mr. Fowler saw the value of nurturing small businesses. Their perspective at the time reflected the early optimism as Michigan and the nation was starting to dig out from the "Great Recession". Digging out of a recession has some lessons for Michigan as it emerges beyond COVID-19.

In 2022 Rob Fowler became Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Public Policy Associates (PPA). He brings to PPA more than 35 years of experience in the public policy arena as an association CEO and a board member of various organizations focused on business, health care, education, and housing.

Before PPA, Mr. Fowler held the position of president and CEO for the Small Business Association of Michigan for 21 years. Before that, he served as the executive director of the Council of Smaller Enterprises at the Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. He also has served on the Board of Directors of the Michigan Health Endowment Fund (first Board Chair), Michigan Society of Association Executives (Chair), Michigan Health Insurance Access Advisory Committee (Chair), National Small Business Association, and Michigan State Housing Development Authority. He also served on the Steering Committee and as a co-chair of Launch Michigan, a statewide coalition working toward transformational K-12 education reform.

He has led several organizations through strategic planning and implementation of resulting plans and aids clients in leading through reflection on mission, vision, goals, and strategy. Mr. Fowler is skilled at coaching leaders through change, policy issues, and partnership development.

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Michigan Business Beat, hosted by Chris Holman, discusses economic development, new or unusual entrepreneurial initiatives, and successful business practices from different regions and industries around Michigan with a wide range of entrepreneurs and business leaders.

8:00 AM every Monday through Friday
Replay: 8:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 2:00 AM The music for 'Michigan Business Beat' is graciously shared use of Phil Denny's "Traffic Jam" off his 2012 CD 'Crossover'

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