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LEO | Michigan Helps More than 30,000 Individuals Learn More and Earn More Through Adult Education Programming

Michigan Business Network
September 20, 2024 2:00 PM

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Michigan provides employment services to more participants than any other state in the Midwest and is #2 in the nation for helping adults get employed

LANSING, Mich. — Michigan provides employment services to more participants than any other state in the Midwest and is #2 in the nation for helping adults get employed. These services and resources include providing Adult Education programming to more than 30,000 Michiganders annually. Governor Whitmer and the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity are celebrating these individuals during National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week from Sept. 16-20.

It’s simple. The more you learn, the more you can earn. Michiganders with a high school credential can earn more than $7,600 more per year than those without one. And those with a two-year degree can earn more than $4,180 more per year than those without. There are many pathways by which to learn more. LEO offers more than 100 free or low-cost adult education programs across the state.

susan-corbin_original“By breaking down barriers and providing tailored support, we enable adult learners to pursue education pathways that lead to better job opportunities, greater pay and more economic stability and independence so they can provide for their families,” said LEO Director Susan Corbin (left). “Education is a lifelong endeavor, and LEO is dedicated to ensuring that every Michigander has access to the resources and skills they need to create a better future.”

A strong economy requires a pool of talented individuals. Michigan has a goal of increasing the number of working-age adults with a skill certificate or college degree to 60% by 2030. LEO’s Adult Education programs serve as a critical bridge to opportunity for thousands of Michiganders who are eager to improve their lives, enhance their skills, and contribute more fully to the economy and their communities.

“We are offering access to adult education programs for those who need it, providing them with the tools to advance their skills and improve their lives,” said Erica Luce, Manager of Adult Education. “These opportunities don't just benefit the individuals; they also support local employers by creating a more skilled and trained workforce. When our residents have access to quality education and training, they are better equipped to meet the demands of today's job market.”

Stephanie Beckhorn“Adult education programs are pivotal in addressing the skills gap and preparing Michiganders for the demands of a dynamic job market,” said Stephanie Beckhorn, Director of LEO's Office of Employment and Training (left). “By fostering innovation, collaboration and partnership, we're not just providing education; we're empowering individuals to secure better jobs, contribute to their communities, and drive the economic vitality of our state.”

Want to find a program near you that offers free or low-cost adult education services? Use the Adult Education Services Locator to find a program near you.


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