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Leadership Lowdown | Melanie McNamara - A World Full Of Choices

Leadership Lowdown
June 4, 2024 2:00 PM

Melanie McNamara 2Vic Verchereau welcomes Melanie McNamara, who is a Founder & Life Coach at Melanie McNamara Coaching.

She is the latest guest for six segments with Vic Verchereau on Leadership Lowdown.

Melanie shares a message of growth, mentorship, health, and coaching; hear what she discusses with Vic!

Melanie is a certified Life, Weight and Mindset Coach who works with high achieving women, helping them lead with confidence, thrive in their relationships, and manage time and stress without burning out.

After a stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis seemed like a relief from her career as a busy real estate agent, feeling out of control in her life and deep in burnout, she knew she needed to make a change. Her search for answers led her to a Life Coach that blew her mind with possibilities and showed her the secrets to begin changing everything about how she was experiencing her life. This new awareness sparked her passion for empowering other women in their lives as well.  Vic Verchereau joins Melanie as she shares her journey and observations in the choices she made to conquer her challenges and to help others confront their obstacles on this edition of the Leadership Lowdown!

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  • Melanie McNamara
  • Melanie McNamara

Leadership Lowdown, hosted by Vic Verchereau, provides positive and practical principles for leaders who want to multiply their influence and take their team to the next level of effectiveness.

9:00 AM every Tuesday
Replay: 3:00 PM, 9:00 PM, 3:00 AM