Chris Holman welcomes back Mark McDaniel who is the President and CEO of Cinnaire Lansing, Michigan, serving multiple state of the Great Lakes and Mid Atlantic regions.
Watch Mark and Chris discuss the company's services, their charity event Pancakepalooza 2024, support for the CARH Scholarship Foundation, contributions to the MLK Day celebration, and the $55 million investment in the Ubuntu Fund for equitable the YouTube Video shared below:
Watch Mark and Chris discuss the company's services, their charity event Pancakepalooza 2024, support for the CARH Scholarship Foundation, contributions to the MLK Day celebration, and the $55 million investment in the Ubuntu Fund for equitable the YouTube Video shared below:
Chris had several things he wanted to find out from Mark:
Welcome back Mark, refresh our Michigan audience on Cinnaire's purpose and scope of services?
Charity is a big part of Cinnaire and your life, how did Pancakepalooza 2024 go for you?
Tell us about Cinnaire Support for CARH Scholarship Foundation?
Cinnaire also stepped up again while Celebrating MLK Day with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commission of Mid-Michigan?
Tell us about the Ubuntu Fund Secures $55 Million Investment from Prominent Financial Institutions to Create Pathways for Equitable Access
Here are some recent MBN blogposts sharing further details about these topics: