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ICYMI: Michigan Business Beat | Jose Flores Ancor Automotive Celebrating Awards and Success from 2023.

Michigan Business Beat
January 3, 2024 9:00 AM

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Chris Holman welcomes back Jose Flores, CEO, of Ancor Automotive, Troy, MI.

Watch Jose and Chris discuss Ancor Automotive and their award winning efforts during 2023 on the YouTube video shared below:

In their conversation, Chris looked to find out several things from Jose;

Welcome back Jose, we've had you on a couple of times, but could you remind the Michigan business community about Ancor Automotive?
Jose, you are recently coming off of two recent major awards: you were honored as a 2023 DBusiness 30 in Their Thirties recipient; and you also won the prestigious 2023 Hispanic businessperson of the year award by the United States Chamber of Commerce. Question: What do you believe it is about your specific leadership style that is clearly gaining attention and praise locally and nationally? 

You recently opened the Ancor Automotive Software Innovation Hub within Ancor's headquarters in Troy. Tell me about the hub and what plans you have in store for the future relating to the kind of work being done inside the innovation hub? 

We in the automotive industry are at an inflection point. The technology behind automobiles has always been a catalyst for engineering progress, but we are now at a pivotal time where advances in autonomous driving and sustainable energy technology will redefine the role the automobile plays in our lives. How have you prepared your business to adjust for this rapid change and what business best practices and advice can you share? 

Talk about your team at Ancor Automotive. The company just celebrated its 40th year in business this summer. What unique qualities have made the company sustain over the years, and how as CEO are you going to assure Ancor Automotive continues to thrive another 40 years?
Ancor just recently won “Best places to work”, explore that as why Ancor is such a great place to work. 

About Ancor Automotive:

Ancor is the leading Tier 1 Automotive supplier of data management and VIN specific label solutions, partnering with OEMs for more than 40 years. We are dedicated to providing complete data, electronic and print communication solutions to maintain variable data, ensure accuracy and maximize efficiency. Visit https://www.ancorinfo.com 

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Michigan Business Beat, hosted by Chris Holman, discusses economic development, new or unusual entrepreneurial initiatives, and successful business practices from different regions and industries around Michigan with a wide range of entrepreneurs and business leaders.

8:00 AM every Monday through Friday
Replay: 8:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 2:00 AM The music for 'Michigan Business Beat' is graciously shared use of Phil Denny's "Traffic Jam" off his 2012 CD 'Crossover'

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