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ICYMI: Michigan Business Beat | Dwan Dandridge, Black Leaders Detroit, Mackinac Policy Conference & Ride for Equity Follow-up

Michigan Business Network
September 6, 2024 8:00 AM

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Chris Holman welcomes Dwan Dandridge, Chief Executive Officer · Black Leaders Detroit, Detroit, MI. Dwan was among the interesting guests that MBN didn't catch up with while conducting 50 interviews at this year's Mackinac Policy Conference on Mackinac Island at the Grand Hotel. 

Watch Dwan and Chris discuss support for Black entrepreneurs and equity efforts in Detroit on the YouTube video shared below:

Chris had several topics he wanted to find out from Dwan in this conversation:
What is Black Leaders Detroit?

Are black entrepreneurs still facing disparities in accessing capital?

How much support have we provided for black entrepreneurs?

Who is our ideal member?

Where does our funding come from?

How can someone become a member?

Leading up to #MPC24 Dwan was among a group of people that were riding their bikes 377 miles throughout Michigan to raise money and awareness about Black entrepreneurs.

Dwan Dandridge led the effort.

“To figure out what does it look like to really be a good neighbor to other people in this great state of Michigan,” Dandridge said. “We’re finding that once we get in front of each other, sit down and have a conversation, we find out that we have way more in common and we’re looking for ways to make sure that we’re intentionally working together.”

Dandridge said the bikers met with groups along the way in various cities to talk about equity, race, and how to move past barriers which often lead to division.

Dandridge then attended the Mackinac Policy Conference. For more on his interaction with the Detroit Regional Chamber over the past few years go to:

In Detroit, 80% of the population are of African descent, but only a chosen few have been funded to lead the city’s “comeback.” Black Leaders Detroit will change that by challenging 1 million people to give at least $1/week to elevate changemakers of African descent in the city.​

Fully aware that Detroiters of African descent have never lacked creativity, viable economic strategies, entrepreneurial zeal, or innovative business models, Black Leaders Detroit aims to diminish the disparities by providing the one thing that has been lacking: financial support.

Donate to become a member that supports businesses led by people of African descent and builds community.

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Michigan Business Network is an online broadcasting company that provides knowledge, news, and insights into Michigan’s businesses, industries, and economy.