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Family Promise of Grand Rapids Welcomes Six New Board Members

Michigan Business Network
February 10, 2022 2:00 PM


These New Members Are Committed to the Mission to End Family Homelessness in Kent County

Grand Rapids, MI (February 10, 2022) - Family Promise of Grand Rapids’ mission is to end homelessness one family at a time. By giving parents the hope, encouragement, and connections, they need to create a better future for their children and end the cycle of homelessness that many fall into. Most recently, the team at Family Promise has appointed six new board members to further improve the development of their programming, incite change where necessary, and work together for the common goal of ending family homelessness in Kent County and beyond here in West Michigan.

“Many of these new board members have been working with our organization in one way or another,” said Cheryl Schuch, CEO of Family Promise of Grand Rapids. “Introducing them now as board members is a testament to their commitment and hard work for the common goal we have at Family Promise.”

Through Family Promise of Grand Rapids emergency shelter, housing and homeownership opportunities, and stabilization services, they have helped nearly 4,000 families in the area build a stronger future and with these strategic board placements, they are well on their way to continuing that goal with each of these board members expertise, skills and networks in mind.

The following appointments to the Board of Directors were thoughtfully considered previous to their placement:

  Linda Anderson Plant Director for Kellogg in Grand Rapids.

  Bridgette Baker Talent Acquisition Consultant and Fifth Third Bank. 

  Sara Knoester Owner of Mixed Staffing and Recruiting

  Ben Taylor Associate Pastor at Sparta Baptist Church

  Glenda Walker  CIO for Cherry Health

  Eric Williams Co-CEO of United Methodist Community House

To learn more about the work Family Promise of Grand Rapids is doing to end family homelessness please visit their website at https://www.familypromisegr.org/ 

About Family Promise of Grand Rapids
Family Promise partners with families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless by helping them get back on their feet so they can create a stable lifestyle for their children. Family Promise has helped over 6,000 children and 4,000 families build a strong foundation for their family’s future by providing emergency services, housing and homeownership opportunities, and stabilization services, to families with kids experiencing homelessness. With the help of their Foundation program, Interfaith Hospitality Network, FPGR families have found futures full of hope and possibility. For additional information visit, https://www.familypromisegr.org/

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