Jeffrey Mosher speaks with Jennifer Nash, Livingston County Treasurer, who also serves as president of Michigan Association of County Treasurers, and representing the Business community Tyson Kelley, owner of Asmar Market, Detroit.
To hear Jennifer, Tyson and Jeffrey discuss this legislation and issue, listen to the podcast shared below:
The interview covers legislation that has been introduced at the Michigan capital that will address the Michigan Supreme Court's ruling in July that ruled unconstitutional treasurers' rights to keep the proceeds of property tax foreclosure sales.
Business Property Foreclosure: How Partnerships Between Business Owners and Michigan's County Treasurers Can Help Prevent Foreclosure.
- What was Tyson's business' experience with foreclosure?
- How did his county treasurer (in this case, Eric Sabree from Wayne County) help you?
- Why do you think it's important for businesses to know about the resources out there to help them avoid foreclosure?
- Then Jennifer shares What could change with this new legislation you're supporting?
- In 2019 alone, county treasurers statewide prevented 97.5 percent of property tax foreclosures. Do you think that will change with this new legislation?
The conversation wraps up with what else they believe the business community should know about this topic?