Are you implementing remote work positions effectively?
There are more remote workers than ever, but not all workers thrive in a remote environment. As a business implementing a remote or hybrid work environment, you stand to gain multiple benefits if you can strike the right balance. Focus on communication, culture, and connection to best support your workers.
CSH’s Aubrey Chua discusses the advantages of allowing remote or hybrid work, along with the must-do steps to take to implement it effectively.
How to Set Up Remote Work for Success
Evolving and adapting to the current business trends has never been more important. With the generational shifts in the workforce and increased competition amongst companies in the talent search, businesses are challenged to meet the demands and trends of the workforce. At the top of that list of demands is the desire for remote work positions. Whether you are considering transitioning to a fully remote work environment, or already established an element of remote work, there are a host of benefits to consider when implementing remote work positions.
Benefits of Successful Implementation
Cost savings
Remote work increases ability for companies to downsize their physical office space, which is a major cost-saving opportunity. Creating a hybrid working environment allows businesses to cut their office space since employees will rarely be in the office at the same time or on the same days. For companies that pay mileage and travel expenses, the concept of remote working can also drastically cut those expenses.
Candidates value flexible working hours and space
To remain competitive in the search for top talent and retain current employees, employers need to be offering some sort of remote work environment. Remote or hybrid work offers the unique flexibility that many candidates find attractive and current employees demand. Working remotely allows employees the opportunity to find a greater work-life balance – handling their personal matters when it works for them, while still addressing company needs. Offering flexibility with working hours and location results in increased productivity, a more positive atmosphere, and a more attractive workplace.
Attracting and retaining talent
Transitioning to a hybrid or full-time remote working environment allows the radius of your talent search to expand, becoming almost limitless. Talent acquisition for a completely in-person company is so often limited to individuals within a fixed area from the physical building location. With a larger pool of candidates to pursue, companies can seek the top talent in areas all over the world as additions to their business. If individuals move geographic locations due to a circumstance outside of company control, remote work positions offer great employees the choice to remain with the company, resulting in less turnover. With that being said, organizations should be prepared to adjust their salaries for the cost of living where candidates are, rather than where the company is located.
How to Effectively Implement Remote Work Positions
Update policies and internal control procedures
When employees were working strictly in the office, expectations might have consisted of the following: standard work hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm; company equipment remains on-site at a designated desk; internet security was controlled by company IT professionals; the majority of communication was done face to face. All those policies and procedures will need to be evaluated, updated, and effectively communicated to successfully implement a remote work environment, maintain a successful business, and set up each employee for success.
Change onboarding processes and offer additional training
The onboarding process for new hires will need to be adjusted if they are undergoing onboarding and training in a fully remote environment. Consider the need for additional content training for new hires (such as introductions to company culture, a virtual tour of the typical working space, or tips and tricks from tenured company employees), updated communication tools, and adjusting the training for current employees who are transitioning to remote. Also, consider altering job duties if business needs or resources shift, and offer unique ways for employees to remain productive from home. Consider what “rainy day” or internal projects that team members could work on to remain engaged and invested in the business.
Implement new ways of communication
When it comes to communicating in a remote work environment, it’s important to set new expectations with employees and over-communicate with clients to ensure the proper connections are successfully maintained while working remotely. Develop communication tools and IT systems to properly communicate and organize the company remotely and digitally.
Preserve the culture and camaraderie of staff
Working remotely can hinder the ability for the company culture to thrive and grow and it can be even more difficult for new employees to buy into that culture if they’re not immersed in it day-to-day. Conducting consistent group meetings to engage with, take the pulse of, and maintain the established culture is key for success. Successful companies will clearly communicate their remote working expectations, including hours of availability, response times, and attendance policies in order to reduce confusion or frustration should co-workers become unavailable during regular work hours. Occasionally offering in-person events can assist with keeping up with the culture and building personal relations amongst employees.
Want more information or help effectively implementing remote work positions? Reach out to us.
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