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China and United States Relationship Building in Lansing, Michigan

Michigan Business Beat
September 29, 2015 7:30 PM

International Business and TradeDuring a luncheon promoting exchange in culture, tourism, education, agriculture and other aspects of life between Xiamen, China and Lansing, Michigan, at the Lansing Center, September 11th, Chris Holman welcomed Lansing Mayor, Virg Bernero, to speak to the dignitaries and all on hand for the occasion.

Mayor Bernero thanked the dignitaries, who had previously hosted both the Mayor and Chris in China, and was pleased to reciprocate the opportunity of hosting these dignitaries and friends from China. The Mayor discussed places, such as China, and thanked Chris for the friendships and private sector connections that Mr. Holman has nurtured over the past few decades.

Today's economy is naturally a global one and he looks forward to a future with stronger ties between Lansing and Xiamen. The segment closes out with the beginning of excerpts from Michigan's U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow. She had just arrived from Washington D.C., via a direct flight to Lansing, and was honored to be part of the occasion. She also is looking forward to enhancing U.S.-China relationships.

Michigan Business Beat, hosted by Chris Holman, discusses economic development, new or unusual entrepreneurial initiatives, and successful business practices from different regions and industries around Michigan with a wide range of entrepreneurs and business leaders.

8:00 AM every Monday through Friday
Replay: 8:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 2:00 AM The music for 'Michigan Business Beat' is graciously shared use of Phil Denny's "Traffic Jam" off his 2012 CD 'Crossover'

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