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Bottom Line I.T. | JustASK Groundbreaking Part 1: Michael Maddox

Bottom Line IT
July 25, 2018 6:00 PM

ask3Bottom Line I.T. took to the road recently. MBN's Jeffrey Mosher fills in for ASK President Michael Maddox, who was participating in the groundbreaking and playing host for the event.





ASK breaks ground at their new headquarters in REO Town Lansing Wed. July 11, 2018. They are thrilled to be renovating the former Moores Park Elementary School with plans to move, early fall '18.

In this segment MBN's Jeffrey Mosher sits in with Michael Maddox to get the scoop on the whole story about this next step for JustASK, and Lansing. To see our photo album from that afternoon.

To hear Michael and Jeffrey's interview please click play on the embedded SoundCloud PodCast shared below


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12:00 PM every Tuesday

Replay: 6:00 PM, 12:00 AM, 6:00 AM