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Bay Future | Bay Future Focus: August 2021

08.21.19 -- BayFutureDriveForward.

President & CEO’s Message

It has been approximately 5 months since Congress and President Biden legislated and signed in to law the American Rescue Plan Act. This act was expeditiously passed with overwhelming bipartisan support to combat the direct and indirect fall-out of the COVID-19 pandemic, including financial support to communities and small businesses struggling in the wake of the virus.
During that time, Bay Future, Inc., along with local partners, have worked closely with municipalities and municipal leaders throughout Bay County to immediately secure a percentage of these funds to be allocated to the lifeblood of our local economy, small business. They account for more than 80% of Bay County’s economy and more than 80% of our community’s jobs. These businesses, many of whom, amidst uncertainty, mandated shutdowns, personal and professional hardships, and a dwindling available workforce, continue to conduct business to a level that their customers expect, everyday, keeping our community vibrant and employed.
Our community, like many others, have been through more than 16 months of calamity, of trauma, and of financial hardship, in most cases. During that time Bay Future, Inc. collaborated with state and local entities and filled gaps, and expanded our scope to make sure that no segment of our local economy was left behind, (Bay Future expands its reach as it focuses on helping Bay City businesses recover from COVID-19). These American Rescue Plan Act funds are an opportunity to offset the expense that those businesses have had to sacrifice and make.
Short-term relief is just as critical as the catalytic and long-term, transformational, initiatives and goals that these funds also deem eligible to support. As our community continues through this process Bay Future, Inc. will continue to lend our support, to implement ideas, and to assist in the recovery and rebound of our county.
You can check out some additional information about proposals on how to use those funds, specifically in the City of Bay City, here
Working together, we will continue to Drive Bay County Forward!
Happy reading,
Happy reading,
-Trevor Keyes, EDFP
President & CEO
Bay Future, Inc.

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Bay County – Meet Marchelle Gonzales
Bay Future, Inc. Meet Marchelle Gonzales
Learn more about Marchelle Gonzales, Bay Future, Inc. Board of Director and Manufacturing Site Director, Ziploc® & Saran® at SC Johnson.
Program Highlight
Industry 4.0 Readiness Initiative
Often referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or “Industry 4.0,” is an advancement in manufacturing technology that is Interconnecting physical and digital systems into a smart factory. The goal of this program is to assist small- and mid-sized manufacturers with the exploration of Industry 4.0 technology and practices. At the conclusion of the project, participating companies will have gained valuable insight and resources to enable its transformation into Industry 4.0. Benefits will include solutions to overcome workforce challenges, increasing production and process efficiencies, and developing plans for future growth.
Not familiar with Industry 4.0? Not sure what all is involved. Learn more about it by watching this short video
Purpose of the Short Survey
This short survey provides us with an insight of your understanding, and readiness to adopt Industry 4.0 within your operations. The online survey will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
After the Survey
Survey results will be summarized and shared with you in a white paper. You will be invited to join our webin

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