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Add One More Issue to the List

There are often issues that we can consider as controversial or debatable. Dave Mielke presents one of these issues each week to give you “Something to Think About.” The topic for today is “Add One More Issue to the List.”  The Republican controlled Congress has a long list of issues to deal with. The major issues include the funding for the Highway Trust Fund which will run out of money in May, the budget bill for the Department of Homeland Security due by the end of March, next year’s budget, trade authorization, energy regulations, possible tax reform, infrastructure funding, maybe even immigration and reform of Obama Care.  But there is one more issue that they will have to deal with sometime in 2016, if not before–Social Security Disability Insurance funding. Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI is funded by a portion of payroll taxes and pays an average monthly cash benefit of about $1,150 a month to disabled workers below social security retirement age. The trust fund is scheduled to run out of money in 2016. Should Congress provide supplementary funding to replenish the trust fund? Should they raise SSDI payroll payments? Instead should the terms for being classified as disabled be changed to reduce enrollments? Should better oversight of the system occur to be sure those currently enrolled are in fact disabled?

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