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MSAE | Building Trust


Posted By: Donna Oser in Blog

The world – and our relationships – seem so different than they were just a few years ago. Today, people are less connected to each other and the organizations they work with. Because of the disconnection, and perhaps because millions among us suffer from untreated mental health issues, people are quick to take offense, and relationships are fragile.

As association leaders work to strengthen ties with team members, volunteers, and members, they may find William Bridges’ guidance on building trust helpful. Bridges asserts trust is fostered through a number of specific actions: 

  1. Do what you say you will do. Don’t make promises you can’t or won’t keep. Most people’s trust problems have been learned from untrustworthy actions in the past.
  2. Listen to people carefully and tell them what you think they are saying. If you have it wrong, accept the correction and revise what you say. People trust others whom they believe understand them.
  3. Understand what matters to people and work hard to protect whatever is related to that. People trust those who are looking out for their best interests. 
  4. Share yourself honestly. Hiding shortcomings may improve your image, but it doesn’t help build trust. Admitting an untrustworthy action is itself a trustworthy action. A lot of mistrust begins when people are unable to read you.
  5. Ask for feedback and acknowledge unasked-for feedback on the subject of your own trustworthiness. Regard it as valuable information to reflect on. It may be biased, and you don’t have to swallow it whole. But check it for important half-truths.
  6. Don’t try to push others to trust you further than you trust them. Your own mistrust will be communicated subtly and will be returned to you in kind. Trust is mutual, or it is very shallow.
  7. Try extending your trust of others a little further. Being trusted makes one more trustworthy, and trustworthy people are more trusting.
  8. Don’t confuse being trustworthy with “being a buddy.” Being a buddy for a purpose is an untrustworthy act. Besides, trust doesn’t automatically come with friendship.
  9. Don’t be surprised if your trust-building is viewed a bit suspiciously. Asking people to let go of their old mistrust means asking them to make a significant transition. Their mistrust, justified or not, is a form of self-protection, and no one readily gives up self-protection.
  10. If all of this is too complicated to remember and you want a single key to building trust, just remind yourself, “Tell the truth.” 

Bridges assures that progress can be made with even the most mistrustful person and encourages leaders to get started. Every hour that mistrust continues makes transition more difficult to manage than it has to be.


Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change, William Bridges

Who Makes the Magic Happen?

ICYMI: Posted By: Donna Oser in AnnouncementsBlog

It was recently Volunteer Appreciation Week! According to Points of Light, National Volunteer Week is an opportunity to recognize the impact of volunteer service and the power of volunteers to tackle society’s most significant challenges, build stronger communities, and be a force that transforms the world. Association volunteers do all this – and more. Volunteer contributions are essential to associations. From establishing and driving our visions to engaging members and infusing the passion and creativity that make associations sticky, volunteers influence and impact every aspect of associations. Volunteers also do a lot of heavy lifting for associations – volunteer and staff time related to volunteering make up 25 percent of associations’ total work hours (ASAE, 2019). Quite literally, associations could not do what we do without volunteers. 

This is especially true for MSAE. Our volunteers have navigated the association through good and challenging times, exercised consequential leadership, and helped create exceptional development opportunities for our members – and they do it all with humor and collegiality that makes all of us want to keep coming back! This Volunteer Appreciation Week, we’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to MSAE’s volunteers, who definitely make the magic happen :

Anne Mervenne President Mervenne and Company
Ara Topouzian Executive Director Michigan Venture Capital Association
Ashley Peruchietti Meeting Services Manager Discover Kalamazoo
Bob Doyle President & CEO Michigan Association of CPAs
Bonnifer Ballard Executive Director American Water Works Association-Michigan Section
Bradley DeVries Principal Yeo & Yeo CPAs & Advisors
Christina Ward Director of Education & Training Community Mental Health Association of Michigan
Delaney McKinley Executive Vice President of Operations Michigan Manufacturers Association
Denise G. McGinn President Association Guidance
Erin McDonough Executive Director Insurance Alliance of Michigan
Jared Burkhart Chief Executive Officer The Big I (Michigan Association of Insurance Agents)
Jean Elizabeth Jernigan President Auburn Hills Chamber of Commerce
Jennifer A. Dickie President & CEO AMR
Jennifer Smith Director of Government Relations Michigan Association of School Boards
Jill S. Sokacz President & CEO Michigan Trucking Association
Jimmy E. Greene President Jimmy Greene & Associates
Joanne K. Misuraca CEO Michigan Mortgage Lenders Association
John Tramontana Chief Executive Officer Michigan Veterinary Medical Association
Kristy S. Poore National Sales Account Executive Destination Ann Arbor
Laura Ayan Director of Sales Radisson Plaza Hotel and Suites
Lisa N. Powers Director of Meetings & Education Michigan Pharmacists Association
Mary Chris Hotchkiss Group Sales Director  Petoskey Area Visitors Bureau
Matthew Szubinski Chief Financial Officer Michigan Bankers Association
Nick Corrado Manager, Business Development American Society of Employers
Scott T. Ellis Executive Director Michigan Licensed Beverage Association
Scott Walsh Director of Membership Michigan Pharmacists Association
Stephen Pontoni Executive Director Michigan Association for Justice
Steve Carey President & CEO NTEA – The Association for the Work Truck Industry
Terese McInnis Business Services Manager Michigan Chamber of Commerce
Tim Neumann Executive Director Michigan Rural Water Association
Veronica A. Wilkerson-Johnson Director, Lansing Service Center University of Michigan
Viviana Vidal Business Development Manager Discover Kalamazoo

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