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9th Annual International Women’s Day event on Monday, March 8

IWD_2021_FINAL_Original-Art-1030x580Terry Barclay, President & CEO of Inforum, talks with MBN’s Jeffrey Mosher about the 9th Annual International Women’s Day event. On March 8th, Inforum is hosting a virtual experience focusing on women’s Activism, Allyship, and Advocacy. The goal of the event is to help build relationships, embrace diversity, and support women both professionally and personally.

Watch the full interview now!

About International Women’s Day

The 2021 International Women’s Day event is going virtual! We didn’t want to miss the opportunity to connect with all of you, so we decided to take this year’s event online. Our goal is to help everyone build relationships, embrace diversity, and support women both professionally and personally. Our amazing and talented speakers will equip attendees with tools to manage change with agility and take a stand against racism both in and out of the workplace. This year’s hosts are Amway, Inforum, Meijer and Spectrum.

More details at:


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