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100% Hustle Ep. 7 – Pt. 2 The Power of Perspective; Turning Barriers into Opportunities

Hamilton - Podcast - Hustle Logo 2 (1)

Vicki Hamilton has returned to Michigan Business Network with her new show. It shines a light on business ‘Hustlers’ who offer their advice for growing passions into side hustles and careers, and how to balance it all. Hamilton seeks to help listeners grow their own business hustle by inviting her local and international guests to share how they have built successful business careers, fulfilling side hustles and passion projects. Guests share their winning advice and lessons learned in this personal, conversational, yet informative podcast. Topics include side hustles, business startups, franchising, entrepreneurship, and of course a whole lot of hustling.

Listen below to part 2 for Episode 7 as Vicki Hamilton hosts Luann Horobin, a transformation specialist and career acceleration consultant, who discusses how altering one’s perspective can turn life barriers into opportunities, emphasizing the importance of mindset shifts and master coaching for achieving stress-free success and meaningful career progression., tune in and listen to the SoundCloud podcast shared below:

100 % Hustle Podcast – Seventh Episode


Vicki Hamilton talks with Luann Horobin, Transformation Specialist, Career Acceleration Consultant, Master Coach & NLP Facilitator


Vicki Hamilton, Senior Executive with International consulting experience. Founder & CEO of Executive Ideation. 

Topic: The Power of Perspective; Turning Barriers into Opportunities

Luann Horobin (2)Guest: Luann Horobin, Transformation Specialist, Career Acceleration Consultant, Master Coach & NLP Facilitator

Guest Bio:

One of 1600 MCC’s world-wide, with 20+ years of career and transformation expertise, Luann’s custom formula of career and transformation coaching integrates life-altering breakthroughs beyond one’s beliefs and upper limits. Changing mindset programs brings ambitions to life for more meaningful work, conversations, and leadership to be your best self, make better decisions, and live your best life, without stress.

Through neuroscience and master coaching, Executives, Business Leaders and High Performers put zest in their career and life progression without stress

Blog Summary:

Transformation Specialist, Luann, discusses how your perspective can be altered to view unexpected and expected life events as opportunities instead of constraints. She shares how transformation takes courage. By tackling the unknown, you can tap into life changing, positive results. Tune in to hear how a job loss became a milestone in a lifelong career.

Contact info:

LinkedIn – Luann Horobin 

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