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Governance Expert Perspectives - Good Governance

Association Impact
November 10, 2015 11:30 AM

AssociationsAssociation IMPACT | Governance Expert Perspectives – Good Governance

Cheryl Ronk interviews governance expert, Doug Eadie. In the first segment, Doug shares how he got into nonprofit work and then started the governance consulting company, Doug Eadie & Company, Inc.

In this six part conversation Doug and Cheryl cover many aspects of "Good Governance" please click play on the SoundCloud PodCast playlist shared below!

A Chief Staff Executive always has a choice on how you perceive the board. This perception leads to how you work to develop the role as CSE and the Board. Being a Board Savvy CEO involves three elements. Learn about the elements in the second segment.

In the third segment, one role for the CEO is being the chief capacity builder. This involves constantly sharpening the board and their planning. Relax control and instead engage the board in governing.

We continue to discuss the activities of the chief capacity builder and the two approaches to tackle expanding governance; a governance retreat and identifying governance issues through a governance task force. This task force can help the board with their accountability, map out its work and the committee structure. Doug also discusses Board sizes.

We continue to discuss the governance task force or committee and how it works from the strategic plan to create a profile of what the organization needs in a board member. They also help monitor performance.

Doug Eadie outlines the 4 key attributes for the CEO to put in place as the chief governing relationship manager and to be a more board savvy.


Donna Oser, CAE hosts Association Impact, which looks into what some of Michigan’s top professional and industry groups are doing to make a positive impact for their members and for the state of Michigan. As part of MSAE, Association Impact works with all associations in Michigan.

9:00 AM every Thursday
Replay: 3:00 PM, 9:00 PM, 3:00 AM. Also a big thank-you to 2011-2018 original host Cheryl Ronk, CMP CAE and check out the 2015-2018 blogs for her MSAE content, and her successor before Donna, Taylor Benavente!